Earnest desire in his old heart.

As the relatives were talking among themselves soon Feng Yu Hao and Zhen Qinrou strolled inside the hall with their arms hooked together. Behind them, the butler of the main mansion followed as well to see the necessities of his Master.

As they walked, all the relatives stood in respect to welcome them. While Feng Yu Hao plainly gave a nod of appreciation to all of them, Zhen Qinrou tried her best to give her best elegant smile to everybody. But in their gazes, she could clearly see them comparing her again with the face of Yun Yuchun they had in their memories. 

The thought of the lady was enough to ruin her mood, but she was still there holding her best to not let her internal feeling appear on her face. 

"Is there a problem?" Walking by her side, Feng Yu Hao didn't fail to notice the slight change in her demeanor, so he asked. But giving a pretentious smile to him, Zhen Qinrou easily denied it.