
Feng Da Zhong's eyes grew wide in horror as he checked the seal of approval on the golden booklet. Others "Impossible! How is this even possible?" He said, staring up at Feng Shufen. Then turning to Feng Yu Hao, he added, "Brother, won't you say anything? Your son is clearly disrespecting us, slapping his marriage certificate on our faces like this. Will you still be silent?" 

He said, and Feng Yu Hao called Gao Fan with the certificate. Flipping the booklet to check, he asked, "Shufen, what is all this? You have agreed on the elite marriage law?" 

Feng Shufen nodded without any hesitation. "To me, elite marriage law felt more suitable so I promised the wedding to my wife under that law." He said before reaching out to hold Li Xue's hands with all authority.