Remind them all about the head authority once again.

Feng Yu Hao heard Qi Shuai and paused for a moment before turning to look at his wife, Zhen Qinrou, to ask, "Qinrou, you are her mother, what are your thoughts about it?" 

Although Zhen Qinrou wanted to reject all the ideas Feng Yi Lan had proposed, she couldn't dare to do that. Her rejection regarding the matter would have implicated wrongly the character of the sweet and caring mother she has always projected. So, putting a fake, amiable smile over her expression, she said, "I have no thoughts regarding it, honey. Since Yi Lan is our daughter, I believe that you wouldn't decide wrong for her. So, I will depend on you for her future." 

She said and thinking about her words for a moment, Feng Yu Hao nodded to her with some seriousness before turning to look at Feng Yi Ran, who has been there standing all silent for a good moment now.