Our MengMeng has been capable.

"Hello, Sister Xinyi, the stage show was successful. Thanks for choosing this one for me." Li Xue said on the call, as slowly but efficiently her hands moved to clean the makeup on her face. Though there were no excessive things on her face, still whatever there was, it was making her uncomfortable. Especially when there was no longer a stage for her to walk on today. 

"I can see that, dear. The audience has been giving all favorable reviews online. The brand has created a new record within the fifteen minutes after the show ended. That's definitely a success. Congratulation, Xiao Xue." Lin Xinyi as well sounded happy on the call. "As for the thanks which you are giving to me for choosing this brand for you. I think you shouldn't just thank me for it. Without the permission of the Royal Highness, it would have been impossible."

She added but her words paused when from the side she heard, Xiao Meng, interrupting Li Xue.