Just let it exist in some corner of your life and move on.

Chen Rui and Shin Tingming turned to stare at Li Xue as she advanced her steps towards them. While Shin Tingming matched the eyes of the girl, Chen Rui smiled with obviousness to add, "Xiao Xue, what are you saying? Of course, you are our daughter. I have called you the same and even taken you as the same. And did you not hear the last time? In front of Shen Donghai, even you Pa took the stand claiming you as his own."

She said, smiling but then paused with a thought as shaking her head, she asked with a tone of disbelief, "Wait Xiao Xue, you must not be thinking it otherwise, right? Calling you our daughter is not for the sake of the name, dear. We truly consider you as one, so we call you our daughter. You know that, right?"