Just to earn his obedience.

Although in the beginning, Shin You Jun may not have understood what Li Xue was trying to do. But now, he could guess something from it definitely. 

Guan Zai looked at Li Xue. To him, she looked like any beautiful girl with a nice figure and beautiful eyes. But since she was one of the royals, he was sure there must be the spice that would definitely keep him satisfied. And even if not the spice, the fact along with that he got to have some time with Shin You Jun's younger sister would be enough to make her heart feel the ease. 

Thinking that way, his lips curled up on their own as gazing back at Shin You Jun he said, "Haha … You Jun, see even your sister doesn't trust you enough. What would you say now? Do you want to give it a try with your bike?"