What if I say, we share the same blood?

While taking the slow sips on his cold coffee, Shin You Jun patiently heard everything Li Xue had to say. His expression didn't change all along and that kind of surprised Li Xue for she has said almost everything to him, omitting the truth of her own. She was not sure if she should even reveal it to him. 

Although he seemed mature, he was still young and she was not sure if he would be able to understand the things she did. So, for the time, she kept it away from him. 

"What? Don't you have anything to say to me?" Li Xue asked when she saw the boy still casually sitting. 

"Huh?" As if woken from some trance, Shin You Jun feigned casualness in his tone before asking with abruptness, "Was I even allowed to talk? I thought I was here just to hear you." 

He said and Li Xue just gave a look to him that made him chuckle hard, almost garnering everyone's attention from around.