Not an idiot to think me as a fool.

Back in the Feng main mansion, 

Zhen Qinrou was having a hard time thinking of a solution. No matter what she thinks, she just could not find a way now to stop Feng Yi Lan. 

This girl has really been courageous to declare that in front of everyone. What was she even thinking when she announced all that? She yelled in her thoughts as reaching out a magazine she crumbled it with all force. Her memories flashed with the images of Feng Yi Lan telling everything in front of everyone. 

That day when she understood what she was planning to do, she had run to stop her but when reached the main hall, it was already late. Feng Yi Lan has said it all and she had no reason to disagree. Especially when she clearly knows how much the Old Feng admires the boy, Qi Shuai.