It was hard to hid from the gaze of a mother.

While Li Xue has just ended the call, she was still busy pondering the things she heard from Lin Xinyi. And in her train of thought, she almost forgets to notice the approaching steps of Chen Rui from behind. It was only when she heard her concerned voice, she snapped out of her thoughts. 

"Xiao Xue, are you alright?" Chen Rui asked as she walked closer to the girl, seeing her turn around with a solemn face. Maybe, she was still slightly absorbed in her thoughts. "Is there something bothering you?" 

Li Xue stared at her for a moment and then tugging her lips up slightly, she shook her head. "Ah, that's nothing. Just some usual things at the company." She said, avoiding revealing the thing. There was already a lot on board. It wouldn't be good to add more to it, so she restrained.