Nothing lucid to explain.

Catching her breath, Li Xue looked around the room. She was still at her place and not in some secluded hospital room. She was not paralyzed and there were no people around her. She was safe. 

It took some time for her to believe that but she believed it well when her eyes caught the sight of her princess sleeping beside her. Her one little arm was still wrapped around her waist as if safeguarding something very precious to her. 

Her heart felt peace as finally, she realized what it was actually. "Li Xue, calm down. It was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. Calm down." She cajoled herself while slowly wiping the sweat from her forehead. 

That might be the worst nightmare she ever had. Worse than what she used to have in the past. It had left her all anxiously breathless in the middle of the night, making her race to fill her lungs with oxygen.