Worrying like that is not good.

Li Xue's brows got raised when she heard her daughter mention the name of her Daddy Angel like that. Looking at Feng Yi Lan, she tried to reason out the reasons that would have made her daughter categorize #men in the sympathy zone. But not finding anything suitable as per her thoughts, she turned to look back at her daughter to ask. 

"Uh, sweetie, so you are even sympathetic to your Daddy Angel?" Li Xue asked and the head instantly moved to nod to her mother, without any hesitation while blinking her eyes with utmost honesty. The honesty that would for once even make angels think twice of things. 

Feng Yi Lan couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of those words. Was this little one really sympathizing with her Daddy Angel? Who would believe that? From when did Devil start getting in sympathy books? Wouldn't pitying him bring Hell into peril?