Crumbling in pain.

Li Xue had long seen the spinner fidget blade coming their way. Thanks to her reflexes that before it could touch Shen Bingling and tear her flesh, Li Xue had been swift enough to pull her and Shin You Jun to the side behind one of the cars parked there. 

"Are you alright?" Li Xue asked as she stared at Shen Bingling to see if in any way the blades had touched her. 

But the girl was already too scared to say a word. Maybe this was the first time for Shen Bingling to encounter any such thing, so it took a moment for her to gather herself back before shaking her head. "L-Li Xue, that would have just killed me?" 

"You are fine, Princess Shen. There is nothing to worry about." Li Xue could read the fright in the eyes of the young princess. Although she knew that things had turned out in a way that they needed to worry about, still to ease the panicked nerves of the girl, she tried to coax her.