Bravery is not what lives long.

Although Jing Wei Jin held his playful tone and composure, facing his easy-going personality was also not easy. With every passing second of his presence around, people were feeling like they were sitting on a time bomb that would explode anytime soon when they wouldn't expect it. 

When the leader of the group was asked about revealing his Boss's location, he was hesitant at first. But the moment his eyes caught the meaningful grin on the face of Jing Wei Jin, he immediately swallowed all his reluctance before stretching his arms to gesture inside in a stuttering voice, "H-He is inside. Please go in." 

He said, and the next moment, Jing Wei Jin smiled satisfyingly at him. Walking up to him, he nodded to him with tacit appreciation before reaching to pat over his shoulders. Then looking at his brother, he said, "He is inside. What are we waiting here for then? Let's go."