You know me better than Gao Fan and Qi Shuai.

As Zhang Xiaotong saw Li Xue leaving with Feng Shufen, she could no longer hold back the snap she had inside her all this while. Glaring at them, she turned to shout. "What are you people looking at me for? Don't you have your jobs to do?" 

People flinched at her yell. Not because they were scared of her, but they were not expecting her to be like that. After all, wasn't she a lady from a rich family, who had been taught all the manners from a young age?

"Heh! Did you see that? Now that she has no control over her own, she has chosen to yell at us. Hasn't she been too arrogant?" 

"What's the use of her dressing up so high when she can't even maintain the proper etiquette required for it? Does she think just dressing up could make her charming?"