Change back the arrangements.

After having their family time at the dining table, soon the three people set out for their day. The littlest member of the family was already happy that she was accompanied by her parents to the school once again. When she got out of the car holding her Daddy Angel's hand, she smiled at her mother to say, "Mama, WeiWei like it when you and Daddy Angel come together to drop her at the school. We will draw a schedule next time to see if we can make it on the regular intervals, okay?" 

She said and Li Xue smiled at her nodding. "We would do that sweetie. But for now, go fast or you would be late." She said and the little girl shook her head, looking up at her Daddy Angel to say. 

"I won't get late, mama. I have Daddy Angel with me. He would rush me inside with his wings, right Daddy Angel?" She asked and Li Xue couldn't help but shake her head at her baby's confidence. 

Did she really think her Daddy Angel was some kind of angel who could fly with his wings?