It's confirmed. Ms. Zhen was behind hiring those men.

"President Feng!" 

Feng Shufen was sitting behind his desk when Gao Fan knocked and entered the office with a serious expression. "Madam might be in trouble." He added and just his words like that were enough to make Feng Shufen's expression darken. 

"Did you find out anything?" 

Gao Fan quickly nodded and presented the first file on the desk. "Someone might be cornering her with intention. They have filed a lawsuit against her and have also given out the words to the lawyers to not take up her case." He said as Feng Shufen flipped the pages of the file, reading the details minutely.


Gao Fan paused for a moment, but then added without any hesitation, "President Feng, it seems the doing of Ms. Zhang. She has picked up on all this. Only after knowing that you were not around, did she make someone file the case. She might not have expected your sudden arrival."