Once the essence would be lost, there would be no value.

After talking with Lin Xinyi, Li Xue had decided to visit L.S Cosmetics. The people have chosen to believe her, it was only better if she visited them and showed her appreciation for their trust. 

"Ms. Li Xue, you are really not as people have always talked about you. You seem really different when we meet like this." Bai Yang, the CEO of L.S cosmetics said. His eyes were twinkling with shine at Li Xue. Not for once, his eyes blinked. 

Li Xue didn't fail to notice the intention of his gaze. But she kept calm. Smiling with politeness, she said, "You are also good, CEO Bai. It's really nice working with your brand. Now that I have shown my appreciation, I would ask for my leave first. Thank you." She said as she stood up to leave. 

Bai Yan smiled back at her as he also followed the suit. "Let me send you off." He said and was about to accompany Li Xue out but she paused to stop him.