Waiting to know who is her partner.

Li Xue knocked at the door of the study before pushing it open to enter inside. She smiled seeing the man look up at her while sitting behind the desk. "You have come back early today. After seeing all that files on your office desk yesterday, I didn't think you would be coming home early for at least a week." 

She said as slowly she walked inside before coming to stop at the desk, just in front of him. Feng Shufen wrapped up the file without caring to mark the current page he was reading. Keeping it aside as if it doesn't matter, he replied, "It wasn't that tough. Those files just took a few hours and it was done." 

She said and Li Xue couldn't help but smile at his easy words. If she had not seen them herself, she would have thought that the man was telling the truth. But after clearly having the counts of the files in his office yesterday, she would never believe that those were just the work of a few hours. The man was simply making it sound like that.