Are you challenging me, Li Xue?

Although Zhang Xiaotong's sneer wasn't loud, it made Lillian still flinch on the chair because she got scared of the glint of madness that she saw within the eyes of the woman. 

She gulped down the lump she felt forming in her throat as she said, "Xiaotong, I know you would never go according to me, but please I request you. She is still a child and has a bright future ahead of her life. If she gets traumatized now, it won't be good for her future." 

Zhang Xiaotong heard her and just when Lillian thought that the woman might give some consideration to her words, she saw her scoffing before looking down at the little one. 

Then leaning down, she held Li Wei's chin, careful enough not to scratch her but at the same time tight enough to scare her. "You are surely the daughter of Brother FenFen. You easily know how to pull the right strings of people's hearts. Look, how you made my assistant grow worried for you."