Young Master loves Madam with his life.

Li Xue heard a knock at the door. "Yes!" She said and the next, the door opened revealing the aged face of Sister Margaret. 

"Madam, Young Master has asked me to bring you a set of clothes to change into. Please allow me." She said and Li Xue smiled at her before nodding. 

Although Sister Margaret didn't say anything to Li Xue except for that one sentence, Li Xue still felt it awkward. So, she quickly explained. "I didn't know that this was your Master's room, Sister Margaret, so I came here to get fresh in my lack of knowledge. Hope it doesn't look too bad, since it has never been my deliberation." 

Sister Margaret paused in her steps when she heard the lady. She was dumbfounded at her words for a moment, but then she remembered the state of the lady. Shaking her head, she said, "Please Madam, don't feel awkward. I truly understand your state. Furthermore, I should have sent a maid to help you out earlier. It was my fault."