Why everyone was hiding her past from her?

Li Xue was taken aback by his words. She blinked at him. For a second, trying her best to make herself believe that she had heard him say that and was not just imagining it.

After giving herself some time to absorb his words, she raised her brows at him and asked back to confirm. "You are actually agreeing that we were together. Like in love?" 

Feng Shufen, himself didn't know why he agreed to reveal it to her when he, himself, knew that if her brain nerves got triggered anyhow, except calamity nothing else would be sure. But at the moment when she asked, he couldn't bring himself to refuse. 

Nodding once again, he accepted, "Yes, we were together in love." 

Li Xue couldn't control her lips from curling upwards. It was not that she was smiling, rather it was like her heart that was making her smile. She simply had no control over it. Seeing him accept their relationship which she has lost all her memories about gave her a sense of achievement.