
Feng Shufen's expression turned stormy. While his eyes turned a shade darker, his knuckles turned white when he tightened his fist. 

Inevitably, Li Xue noticed it and at once reached out to hold his hands and asked, "What happened? Is everything fine? Is WeiWei fine?"

Sensing the worry in her voice, Feng Shufen stared down at her and spoke on the phone, "Take care of her. I will be there soon."

He said and then disconnected the call. 

Li Xue heard him and could tell what he would be saying next. So, before he could say, she asked again, "What happened at home?"

"You can come back to Our Paradise tomorrow. For today, I will drop you at the palace. Come, let's go. It's getting late." He said and then was ready to walk with her. 

But Li Xue stood rigid at her place and tugged him back. "Tell me what happened to WeiWei? And this time I am not going to ease off until you tell me rightly. So, tell me where she is, and what happened to her?"