Two appointments.

Li Xue stared at the little head at the door and then her lips curled up in a small smile. She doesn't know why but the expressions of WeiWei always amused her. Especially the one she makes while pouting her lips out. 

Li Xue stared at the little one and then gestured to her to come closer. 

WeiWei, always being obedient to her Mama's words, nodded and walked inside the room. "Mama, you said that I need not to be sick. You will stay with me if I want to."

Although the words were of complaint, the way Li Wei put it together with her sweet voice, it sounded very pleasing to Li Xue's ears. 

Getting on her knees, Li Xue paralleled herself to the height of the little girl. Then pulling her close, she held both of her hands in a convincing way and asked, "Do you think Mama lied?"

Little Li Wei stared at her mother and then pondering a bit, she shook her head. 

"Then why do you think I am leaving?"