Rethink and reconsider.

Li Xue didn't feel like asking more. So not probing further, she nodded, "Fine, even if I don't believe, I can wait. Let's go to where you are taking me." She said and then with one hand, gestured to them to show her the way. 

While Feng Shufen maintained his nonchalance, Gao Fan bowed before stepping aside to show the way. And soon the two walked on the lead of the secretary. 

While Li Xue walked by the side of Feng Shufen, she saw at a distance near the edge of the cliff, there were several men standing. All of them dressed in the same attire. The formal suit they were dressed in was not new for Li Xue for she knew that those were the uniforms that meant Feng's clan. 

"They are here for?" She asked subconsciously before turning to look at Feng Shufen on her side.