Best leader.

Li Xue was standing alone near her room's window when a known running footsteps from the corridor interrupted her. While her lips curled up in the corners, she slowly turned to look in the direction of the door. And as she had guessed, the next moment a cheerful, pleasant voice rang in the air, making all her worries disappear for a moment. 

"Mama, WeiWei is back home. How was your day today? Did you rest properly?"

The little one ran into the room and asked at the very first instance. Her steps didn't pause, instead she went straight to the couch on the side and unhooked the backpack from her shoulders as if it has been her daily job to come in like this and ask her mother. 

Li Xue smiled and walked forward. It has always been the same as this always. The only difference now has only turned out to be that before she had been the one coming back to ask her sweetie about her day, and now it was her princess who was coming back to ask her about it.