Letting him go will be a great loss.

After getting a good essay of instruction of how to take newborn babies in arms, Shin You Jun finally took the young one in his arms and enjoyed his time with him. Around him, Feng Yi Lan and Qi Shuai stood in the queue while the Chen Rui simply monitored their ways, while Shin Tinming just stood there watching over the kids. His face held the expression of high contentment that Li Xue had never seen.

The scene in front of her was enough to make her smile in heartiness. Her eyes slowly darted to look on her side and when she saw Feng Shufen sitting there with her, she couldn't contain her chuckle. 

When Feng Shufen saw her laughing like that, his expression got a half shade darker. "That's enough. You have already laughed enough. You should take rest now." He said but even after his words, Li Xue just couldn't seize her laugh.