Chapter 92 - Elder Goddess Plan

"Aaah! Why are you the two of you is here!" Mikoto shouted in surprise when she saw Shizuka and also Touma who were running early in the morning right in front of the clone of Yuragi Sou, which was the hotel where she stayed with her mother on the cloud island. "Did you two follow me all the way to this island!?"

"We were the ones who wanted to ask you that, Misaka-san," Shizuka said, surprised when she saw Mikoto wearing a hotel kimono. "Why are you on the cloud island, which is Hiko-san's private island? If I'm not mistaken you should be on vacation with your mother?"

"Eh, this cloud island is the place where I vacationed with my mother," Mikoto answered. "Mom said, this island is the island where my dad works, that's why we both came to this island so we could spend time with daddy. Because daddy rarely comes home because of his busy life on this island. But I really didn't know that this island was Hiko-san's private island."

"Hey, biri-biri, how can you've forgotten about what you already know," Touma said with a big yawn. "It's impossible that Mizusu-san doesn't tell you that this island is my grandfather's island."

Touma's sarcastic remark towards Mikoto made a thick mark on Mikoto's forehead stand out. For some reason, Touma always said something sarcastically towards her even though Touma had helped her when she almost died at Accelerator's hand, as if Touma had a deep hate to Mikoto.

"Ah, shut up you idiot! I remembering it or not is not your business!" Mikoto shouted with her face red because she was angry with Touma. "Urrgh if my electricity had worked outside of Academy City, I would have electrocuted you already! But it's a shame that espers from Academy City couldn't use their powers outside of Academy City's territory! Arrgh what a sickening limitation!"


Kasumi and Ukyo who had been walking all night looking for a way out of the forest, finally arrived near the clone of Yuragi Sou. And the two of them arrived just as Touma was saying sarcastically to Mikoto. The short conversation between Kasumi and Ukyo made them both feel deja vu about something they had not seen for a long time.

It was as if the two of them were watching the fight between Ranma and Akane.

But when Kasumi and Ukyo saw the two people fighting, they both realized that it was not Ranma or Akane who were fighting, but two other people who were clearly different.

Although in both of their minds, Touma's cynicism towards Mikoto was very similar to Ranma's cynicism towards Akane.

"As soon as we both arrived at a place where humans live, all of a sudden we were both treated to a sight that evokes memories," Kasumi said. "I even thought that the two of them were Ranma who was fighting with Akane. But looking at it one more time, the two of them are other people."

"Eh, Kasumi-san, those two are famous anime characters, you know," Ukyo said who looked shocked when he saw Touma and Mikoto. "There's even a girl character from another anime who for some reason is in the same place as those two characters. Don't tell me that the lightning that hit us at Ranma's grave sent us to a world where anime characters are real and truly live. Geez, I never thought we'd both be sent to isekai when we're both alive and well!"

"Sent to isekai? Like the ones in the anime and manga that Nabiki and Ranma-kun watch and read?" Asked Kasumi.

"Well, that's it, although I myself am confused about why we were both sent to this dimension and who sent us both to this place," Ukyo replied.


In the floating mansion in the Dimensional Gap.

"Hmm this is really weird," Zelretch said who was confused by the existence of Kasumi and Ukyo which he saw through a special TV that he had modified so he could see the state of the people he had sent to another dimension. "Why are two girls from Ranma's world appear in a mixed world, where Ranma reincarnated as Touma, this is very strange. Who is the one that sent them both to that world?"

"Zelretch's you are the user of Kaleidoscope and possessing extraordinary power, but you completely missed my identity as the culprit who sent the two of them to that jumbled world. I truly feel disappointed in you!"

"Th-that voice," Zelretch said as he turned his head towards the voice talking about him. "Professor Washu, ah no Washu no Megami what is a goddess who has near-omnipotent power doing in my mansion?"

"Of course to meet you, and also to tell you that I want to liven up the atmosphere a little by sending two girls who clearly have feelings for Ranma to the world where Ranma is reborn," Washu said, who was wearing her trademark clothes.

"I didn't know you were interested in seeing the Ranma new life," Zelretch said. "You as a giddes of knowledge as far as I know are not interested in Ranma who is the source of chaos in human form. Shouldn't Tokimi-Megami who symbolize chaos and time is the one that can be attracted to Ranma?"

"Well, she has other activities, so Tokimi assigned me to liven up the atmosphere around Tokimi's favorite human," Washu said with a smile. "Incidentally I'm having free time, so I thought it wouldn't be bad to also help my own sister."


"Christop-Sama the programming is done," Cammie said. "Nalakuvera is ready to launch!"

"Well done Cammie! Very good! You did your job very well!" Christop shouted. "I make sure right after we kill Hiko Seijuro, I will discuss your promotion with Taigamaru-Sama!"

Christop Gardos, who was impatient to kill Hiko, quickly entered Nalakuvera. Accompanied by Cammie of course, because the one who really knows how to control Nalakuvera is Cammie.

"Th-thank you so much Christop-Sama," Cammie said with a blush on her face. "I will make sure that the two of us will properly complete the mission to kill Hiko Seijuro."


"Dimitrie-Sama the special tool that can suppress the power of the fourth ancestor has finished activating," Sebastian said. "Plus those lowly theriantropes contacted me earlier and said they were also ready to attack using Nalakuvera. What we need to do right now is to formally meet Hiko Seijuro and Kamijou Touma and once that meeting takes place then the Nalakuvera can attack Hiko Seijuro while the two of us can seize the power of the fourth ancestor that resides within Kamijou Touma's body."

"Ahahahaha that's good then," Dimitrie said as he let out a very unpleasant laugh from inside his mouth. "Now then, what we need to do now is to divert attention or stop the movements of the two girls from the lion king organization."

"That's not difficult Dimitrie-Sama to do, because right now the two of them are eating breakfast that I've given super strong sleeping drugs," Sebastian said. "I guarantee that neither Himeragi Yukina nor Kirasaka Sayaka will be able to wake up for the next two days. So the two of them will no longer be able to stop the mission we are about to do!"

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