First Time We Met

Mika was 24 years old, she's an independent and smart young lady but sometimes can be a bit naive on relationships thinking all men loves for who she is. Her job was being a beauty consultant. Like any other women her age, most of her friends got married and had their own families while she's still single. She's no stranger to blind date because she's been through a lot of them. She would love to give those guys a chance but they didn't suit her taste. One of her pet peeves are mama's boy kind-of-husband.

That aside, her expectation for a husband is simple. Someone who loves her just like Cinderella and Snow White. Sadly, in reality, she found none. None of the guys she dated loved her, the real her, most of them are after something else, her body. Mika does have an outstanding beauty and physique so maybe that's why she's having difficulty finding the right person. She ignored many guys on street and at work who just stared at her body. It gives her the goosebumps.

On a sunny morning during June, Mika drove her car in and around Shanghai. She was meeting with a group of friends from high school whom she haven't seen in ages. All the memories of the fun and harsh times replayed inside her head. The moment when she failed one of her English exam and when a cute guy actually confessed to her. She smiled at the precious memories. After a minute or so, she stopped at the red light but her car was out of the line. She checked her rearview mirror first to make sure no cars were behind her so she can drive back a bit. Unfortunately, she didn't notice the car was already behind her.


Mika freaked out and looked behind, "Crap." She closed her eyes and made a fist, "Today is not my day." She puts on a fake-kind of smile when she got off the car to the car behind her. A well-dressed man came out of the car to greet her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't notice your car because I thought your car was still far away. If you need to contact me, here's my business card. I'm sorry I'm in a rush right now." Mika smiled nervously and slowly backed away but the driver stopped her, "I'm sorry, Miss. My boss said you need to pay for the damage of this car." Mika looked at the car and inspected every part and it was perfectly fine.

"But, I don't see any damages. It's a bit bent and there are some scratches but I think it's nothing too serious. If you really want me to repay, can you call me back this evening and I'll discuss it with your boss?" Mika asked politely but the driver shook his head, "I'm sorry, my boss said no."

Mika was about to lose her temper but calmed down, "May I speak to your boss?" The driver looked back at the car and eyed Lukas. Lukas rolled down the window and signaled the driver.

"Yes, boss?" The driver quickly went over to him. Mika peeked inside the window and saw a fine man behind the window. She pretended not to stare at him. After a while, the driver notified Mika to get inside their car. Mika was dumbfounded, "What did you say?" The driver went over to her and kindly guided her into their car, "Miss, here." Mika was about to lose her s--- but she said to herself, "It's okay, it's going to be fine."

Mika went inside the car and didn't even look at Lukas, she was in rage. What did he want? My money? She didn't understand why she had to be in their car. Mika initiated the talk with Lukas but didn't even receive a simple reply. The driver gave Mika a piece of paper and it listed a bunch of things that needed to be fixed.

"What? 70 million yuan? You've got to be kidding me? There is no way." Mika was speechless and looked at Lukas, "This... is... you did this, right?" Mika faced Lukas again, "Fine, but right now I don't have the money. There is no way I can repay it unless you subtract some of that cost." Lukas cleared his throat, "I'll give you one week to bring the money. If you can't, I'll give you the second option." Mika was confused and her mind was going around in circles, "So, what's the second option?" David (the driver) chuckled a bit but went quiet immediately.

Lukas gave her the contract, "Be my wife or repay it by next week."

"Be his wife? Fake wife? What wife? There is no way I will ever be your wife, in your dreams." She thought but she couldn't say the words out loud. She was broke and she needed the money anyways. She took a look at the contract and froze, "What do you mean by... sleeping together? Are you a pervert? Who are you?" Lukas didn't say anything but gave her his business card, Lukas O'Connor, CEO of High Tech Corporation. What? CEO? This random guy is a CEO? On another note, he's not bad looking but no way I will ever fall in love with such a guy.

"So, we will be sleeping together then... great.. I kind of wished I'll be a virgin a bit longer." Mika mouthed out of rage. After reading the whole thing, her mood was not to be messed with.

"Fine, I'll be your wife but don't expect me to help you with anything. I'm only signing because of I need the money to repay you and nothing else." Mika signed and happily gave the document to his driver who tried not to laugh, "Miss. Our boss is not what you think he is. You will know it soon." Mika didn't want to stay in the car any longer but Lukas stopped her, "Your stuff will be delivered to my house by this evening. You don't need to go back."

"Excuse me? Did you stalk me? How did you know my address?" Mika wasn't impressed at all. Lukas remained emotionless, "David, drive her to my house. Cancel everything for today." David nodded and drove them back to his house.

"Since when did they stalk me?" She wondered, "Whatever, I'll be his wife for the money. The pay ain't so bad, way better than my current job. Wait... I need to call my manager." Mika dialed the number and her manager answered, "Oh, Mika. CEO O'Connor already told me. You don't need to come back for work. Work hard for us, Mika, fighting!" Mika didn't know what to say anymore.

"Great... how great." Mika whispered to herself, "Still, I'll never forgive him."