
On the next day, Mika went to the company with Lukas to get an early start on their day while most employees were still at home sleeping. Early morning hours are great for productivities. Mika loved working their Lukas because she gets exposed to variety of things within the company.

As hours gone by, more and more employees started to come. They had a morning meeting discussion about the fair and if anyone have any other suggestions or advice. Since most people agreed on the same, there wasn't too much to discuss about. Then they moved on discussing their monthly report and some of the proposal about working with other companies.

Few hours later, the meeting wasn't finished yet so Mika decided order some food for all of the employees on the top floor and Lukas since they've been working hard non-stop all morning. After finished ordering from her phone, the food should be delivered soon. She went to check on the meeting and few of them were still discussing.

Few moments later, she received a text message from David, "Can you come in?" Mika replied and went to the meeting room. David was waiting outside and told her he needed to run an errand. She went in and greeted everyone then she sat beside Lukas who was giving his input on some of the things. After a while, the meeting was over and most of the employees were enjoying the boxed lunch that Mika ordered. Lukas' dizziness returned and Mika told him to sit down for a while. She opened the water bottle for him and told him to slowly drink.

Mika waited for several minutes until Lukas' dizziness subsided. She held his hand until they got into their office. He lied down on the couch as Mika took a towel and wet it with cool water.

"Are you feeling better?" Mika asked as she help Lukas wiping down sweat. He slowly nodded and whispered, "Come closer." She sat closer to Lukas and smiled, "What is it?" Lukas held her hand and didn't let go, "Stay like this until I wake up." She nodded and sat by him until he fell asleep.

Then, Mika received a phone call from Katy, Lukas' younger sister, "Mika, I came back to Shanghai! I have a two week break from school. Can I visit my brother and you?" Mika replied, "Sure, I need another hand as well. Be careful on your way and let me know if you are here." Katy nodded and hung up the phone.

An hour later, Katy arrived and called Mika. Mika told David to go downstairs to pick her up. After a while, Katy came into the office and saw his brother lying on the couch.

"How's my brother? Is he sick?" Katy was worried so Mika told her, "Your brother was sick for quite a while. He still refuses to go to the hospital. On another hand, I need your help Katy. Can you watch over your brother until he wakes up? When he wakes up, he might feel groggy. I got him some light food so he won't feel nauseous and make sure he takes his medication. I trust you and David. Please watch over him." Mika smiled and let go of Lukas' hand, "I need to go now, Lukas. I'll be back." Mika hugged Katy and said, "Thank you, Katy. You're a big help. If his headache comes back, the painkiller is on the right side. One pill should be fine for each." Katy nodded, "Be safe, I'll see you at home!"

Mika went out and took the bus to meet with Katerina. Katerina was waiting at the cafe inside the book store. Katerina saw Mika and waved at her.

"Mika, nice to meet you!" Katerina hugged Mika and she was surprised, "How did you know me, Miss. Katerina?" Katerina pulled out her phone, "You were working with Lukas, he was my old friend. I searched on your company's site so I wanted to ask you if you are available for a chat." Mika nodded and relaxed a bit, "Oh, I see. Where are you from? and what do you do?" Katerina sipped on her coffee and said, "I'm from Russia and I'm a doctor." Mika carefully sipped on juice and she was getting a bit suspicious but decided not to act too obvious, "Katerina, why didn't you want to meet with Lukas, why me?" Katerina smiled, "My relationship with Lukas isn't that good. Besides, you're his wife and I heard many good things about you from his employees. I'm friends with quite a few people in your company. " Mika nodded as if she believed her. She smiled and kind of looked away.

Katerina asked her bodyguard to give Mika the file, "Mika, this is a confidential file I got from my boyfriend who's your husband's doctor, Dr. Karl. Lukas hid this away from you for quite a while including his assistant, David. It depends whether you want to open it or not. Lukas hid many things from you, do you still believe him?" I'll leave my phone number with you, call me when you're ready. Mika was unable to speak so she remained silent. She knew Lukas was hiding something from her but she wanted him to say it not someone else. She wanted to trust Lukas.

After Lukas wakes up and noticed Mika wasn't around, David told Katy to calm him down. But, Lukas wasn't able to. He wanted to see Mika but the tranquilizer made him sleepy instead. David told Katy to put Lukas in the car, "Where are we going, David?" Katy was confused. David told her that Lukas needed treatment in the hospital.

"My brother hates the hospital, you should know that too. He will panic. Hey! Aren't you listening?" David ignored Katy and told her to sit tight. Katy was upset and texted Mika, "Something happened. Meet me at 11th Street hospital. My brother is in trouble." Mika heard her phone vibrate and saw the message. She immediately stood up and called Katy, "Katy, calm down. Tell me what happened. I'm on my way." Katy was tearing up and said, "David drugged my brother to sleep and now he's bringing him to the hospital even though he knew my brother will panic. I don't know what happened to him. He wasn't like this before." Mika told Katy to stay put and she will be there as soon as she can.

On her way to the hospital, Mika took out the file and read it. She was shook and didn't know what to say. Lukas didn't tell her the truth so she started to question her own feeling for Lukas. Was she really in love with him or was she after his money the whole time?