The Reason

Eternal silence doomed upon the room as they felt nervous with the heavy aura radiating from their God. Trying to make their existence as small as possible, the guardians were internally praying for help. But the thing is, they're praying for their god when their god were right there in front of them.

Madly fuming.

"Ahh, how unlucky!"

"....I should've scaped this if I had accepted that mission. Sigh."

"This damned guard! It's his fault! Why am I even here?!"

As they silently converse with themselves, one of the guardians glared hatefully at the said guard who was supposedly to 'guard' this place.

Feeling something pricking behind his neck, the poor guard faintheartedly glace at the back and swiftly turns back again. Not knowing that sweat were slowly soaking his clothes.

"Now that you're all here, can someone explain to me what did just happened? Mhmm?"

The 'God' or let's say the man asks. Slowly turning his body to face the guardians and the guard. His tightly clenched jaw is conspicuously shaking. A reminder that he's furious. The ever smiling and venerable God is now madly furious. Glaring at each of his beloved guardians as though he's burning them alone with his gaze.

"My all so ever esteemed Majesty, we–"

"Call me Your Excellency." He impassively cut.

Cold sweat were dripping on his forehead as one of the guardians respectfully replied.

"Oh yes Your Excellency, we—we we're not notified about this at all. We don't know what happened and we only knew of this when we came here at your command."

"Yes, yes Your Excellency. We really don't know about this at all."

"This servant just came back from a mission when I heard of this news Your Excellency."

The guardians quickly echoed each other while their adam's apple inconspicuously gobbled up and down.

"Then what about this?" The man gestured with his hand.

"Can't you see that this–this is a human? Huh? Tell me how did this human end up here? In my abode?"

"We were not clear of this matter but I just send someone to investigate it. He'll be here in a minute Your Excellency."

Just as he said that, someone barged into the opulently decorated room. When he saw that his Excellency is there, he tried to smother down his clothes, dusting away the invisible dusts on his cream colored pants and cough softly to hide his embarrassment.

"Your Excellency, we just discovered that this is an unusual situation. This human's is–uhh, how do I put it—"

"Get to the point." Ordered numbly of the Excellency.

He swallowed hard as he answered, "This human girl died along with the other five souls. I got a news of this when Her Excellency, Kialla, told me about this personally that she think, uhh maybe, t-that it's partly her fault. That human's soul and the other five originally belonged to a single soul and Her Excellency just happened to—happened to broke it off into pieces."

His voice gets smaller and softer as though he's mimicking a fly who's buzzing off.

"She what?! Do you think I should believe this? Where's Kialla? Guards?!"

"Pardon me Your Excellency, but Her Excellency relied me a message to pass onto you that she's thinking of going on a vacation. And I think that she's on her way right now."

The man quickly interjected. Brushing away his forehead full with cold sweat.

'Sigh, how could Her Excellency just do that? At least explain it clearly to His Excellency and beg for forgiveness."

He inwardly said to himself.

Like a boulder that suddenly lost it's strength, the man weakly swayed. Like a leaf on the autumn, slowly descending onto the ground.

"Your Excellency!!"

The guardians quickly help the man to stable himself onto the ground. Breaking the taboo of not touching someone above them and that is Her and His Excellency.

"Get me a chair." Ordered weakly of the man. Still thinking of what the guardian just said. He sat down on his chair as he massaged his temples and pondering what he should do to make his Excellency obedient.

He's clearly a young man on his late twenties but his burdens and responsibilities outdone his age. Though his actual age is twice of his looks but according to him, he considered himself as a young man.

'It's a sin to break off a soul without any permission. Just how did she did it? Is she alright? Is she faring fine? She...she could've said so! She knew that there's a heavy precaution and consequences if she break it off. No wonder, no wonder something's wrong with her in the past few years. Sigh. Aiya what a problem.'

Although they're the God and Goddess and the most supreme being on this universe, they still have laws to follow. The things that they should do and not to do. And it's been there ever since the universe first formed.

'Now what?'

The guardians look at each other.

"First, send someone to follow Her Excellency and report to me as soon as possible. As for that human, let's wait and see." As he said that, he stood up with his newborn regality.

"Notify me when she's awake."

"Yes Your Excellency!"

And by that, the door of the room closed but the heavy echoes of the shut door still lingers around.

As they heaved a sigh of relief in unison, they heard something behind them.


And it's a groaning sound.