Wherefore Art Thou My Juliet~??

'Oh what a shameless woman.'

So they just sit down while Gradious hastily sit on the chair next to Shin Ah and calmly reaches out for a tea, ignoring the distasteful gaze of Kienne and Zak.

"While we're at it, mind if you could introduce yourself human?"

The God said as he stirred up his cup of hot tea languidly.

"Yeah, yeah, what's your name?" Gracious said looking both dumb and silly (and cute..)

Shin just looked at them uninterestingly as she said, "Shin Ah. The name's Shin Ah. What about you? Who are you? Who are you people? Why am I here? And you said that there's six of us? Why don't I see them?"

Gradious, still hung up on her name.

'Oh what a nice name. And that name suits her. Oh Shin Ah, my lovely Shin Ah, my wifey Shin Ah~ Ahah hah haha'

Let's just ignore Gradious who's mentally unsound.

"Woah, woah, easy girl. Let's just say that we," Kienne replied and gestured to them the guardians and the God, "We are the guardians and this is the honorable high esteemed God, His Excellency."

Seemingly uninterested, the human girl looks at them blankly as if saying to continue.

"And yeah, about your question earlier before the dress fiasco, we're not really sure about that. Nevertheless, we concluded that it must be the result of your soul when it broken apart."

Whilst Gracious was busy sending lovestruck look at Shin Ah and Zak who's munching on the cookies, His Excellency decided it's best not to to disturb those busy fools and so he said, "Actually, the other five souls are already here. But we thought that it's better for you not to see each other."

Shin Ah just nod understandingly at what His Excellency said.

"And to summarize it, it's your fault right?"

The guardians looked at each other skeptically and in unison, they turned their heads towards His Excellency.

The God calmly nod and agreed to what Shin Ah declared.

"Yes and we're sorry about that but right now, we don't have any solution unless..." The man intentionally slowed down his words as he waited for Shin Ah to ask.

Shin Ah's eyes brightened at the thought of living again. And that's what she assumed if that man will compensate her. But—sadly no. Well, partially.

"Unless five out of you will give up the opportunity to live. But I guess that it's not what you wanted right? So how about this, there will a mission for you humans to accomplish and the one who's the fastest will be the winner."

"But that's unfair." Shin Ah frowningly said.

"Your Excellency", interrupted Kienne, "what if you can give an incentive to those who'll win. Or grant a wish, as long as it's reasonable."

The God contemplated as silence descends on the room.

"Hmm, we'll do that. So are you human okay with that?"

"Any wish?" Shin Ah asked hesitantly. Unsure if she heard it right or not.

"Yes, any wish.... But you can't wish to be a God or something like that, cause that's just...–oh well you get it right?"

They thought that the human girl needs time to contemplate and digest what they've said but to their disappointment, she readily accepted it like it's the most normal thing to do.

Oh well what can they do? Our Shin Ah is just like that–so unpredictable.

Ha! Unpredictable my ass!

"Okay, deal!"

"Deal?? Just like that?" Questioned Zak with his left eyebrow raised.

"YASS baby! So when will I gonna start?"

The three guardians just speechlessly gape at her, dumbstruck.

"Right now." His Excellency, the epitome of 'calmness' said it with a snap of his fingers.

A surprise Shin Ah looked at her own body who's quickly disappearing and exclaimed, "Ahh–dumbass! You didn't even tell me my mission stupid *beep*!!!"

That's what they last heard as the human girl disappeared.

The guardians look speechlessly at the place were Shin Ah just stood and then to their Excellency.

"Oh, I forgot." The God said unhurriedly.

"I can randomly pick from the list of missions right? There's no hurry. I'll just notify her in her dream."

And by that, he stood up and hurriedly leaves the room.

"But Your Excellency! You forgot to notify the other souls!" Shouted Kienne as he skillfully followed the embarrassed God.

He's nearing the door when he remembered the other two. But what he just saw made him so speechless that he forgot to breathe.

"Hurry up and follow me." He just said that, leaving the two guys childishly eating the remaining cookies and cakes.

"Oh will be right there!" Zak yelled, still devouring a cake.

The door closed.

And Zak was startled by a sudden cry coming from Gradious that he decided to carry his chair and distance himself from the psychotic Gradious.

"Oh my Shin Ah! Oh my Juliet! Wherefore art thou my Juliet? Don't leave mee! Ohhuhu–" Then he devastatingly banged up his head on a caramel flavored cake.

"What a psychotic dumbass. Tsk!"