The God Dumped Her in a Canal

'What the hell is happening? How could I get in here? What's my mission? Are they my mission? Wait, I can't seem to remember what's my mission is... Oh that's right! That stupid God forgot to tell me!!'

'I am so fcking dead! *muffled screaming*'


Meanwhile, on the abode of the great and majestic God...

When Kienne walked out the room to follow the God, it's already too late..

He disappeared. Just like that.



The one who just disappeared right now is now on the way to his beloved goddess.

'Wait, I do seem to remember that I forgot to do something. Hmmm.'

Perplexed, the God continued to pack the favorite foods of his Goddess.

'Anyway, nothing's more important than my beloved one HAHAHAHA...'

'Sigh. I am a dog or fcking what? Why am I always following her? Sigh. Is this my life?'

And then he vanished.

"Wait for me, my Goddess!!"


'My goodness. My blacksht lyf. My lyfue... Aiyaya.'

Shin Ah just stared blankly at the ceiling with her hands on her belly while laying on the bed.

'I can't fckin' believe that 'that' irresponsible God forgot to tell me my mission.'

'I can't fckin' believe that of all places he'll drop me, he dropped me off of a poor family.'

'How can I sustain my beauty regimen? What about this baby?'

'Goodness. Let's not just cuss right now.'

"I'll go out and prepare for food. Lavina, take care of her properly okay? No chitchatting and please don't stressed her out."

"Got it brother! Don't worry!"

Lavina beamed happily like a pure white rabbit then she switched her attention to Shin Ah.

"Sister, you just need to obediently rest your body. I don't know what you've experienced but what's more important is that you're alive, and right now, you have a baby to take care of. Okay?"

The young woman who's name is Lavina said it with compassion and a little pity.

'Aiya, what a poor lady.'

"How did you find me? Do you know me?"

Shin Ah asked as she looked at the back of Lavina's brother.

'Oh wow, what a broad shoulder. Hmm he looks kinda familiar though. But he's really handsome. What a blessed family!'

She thought, however that was only for a moment before her thoughts were dominated by her worries for her own body and health.

She was bewildered when she woke up and found this place unfamiliar to what she remembered before she passed out.

She remembered it smells funny and something is squishy. And it's dim so she really can't make out what's place she's in.

Looking surprised, Lavina said, "You didn't know? Did that mean that it's unintentional? You didn't try to suicide? Or did you accidentally..."

"Accidentally what?" Shin Ah asked while drinking a cup of warm milk that Lavina got for her.

"Does this mean that she forgot what happened? Amnesia?" She mumbles incoherently and gasp at what she thought.

"Don't tell me you have an amnesia don't you? Oh what a poor you."

Shin Ah was dumbfounded and kinda worried when she saw that Lavina is tearing up.

'If he's brother saw this, won't he think that I'm bullying his sister?'

"Hey, don't cry. What are you crying for? It's not like it's your own situation right?"

Lavina who's nose got so red and her red rimmed eyes said this with a sniff, "It's just that, I feel so sorry for you. I guess that you intentionally closed that section of memory of yours cause it's too traumatic for you..."

Lavina exhaled deeply and said, "There's nothing for you to worry about right now. Don't worry sister. My brother is nice. And he agreed that we'll support you and your baby."

"Hey, what are you saying? I didn't even agree to that. Wha–"

'Does she have a hobby to walk out?'

'But I can't still believe that I have a baby. In my stomach.'


"I think I'll keep it a secret for her that she was in a canal when we found her. Sigh."

If Shin Ah knew of this matter, I can't even think of what'll happen to the so called God.

Lavina was still deeply troubled but then she's back again to her usual bubbly self and she innocently shouted, "Brother! I want a soup with lots of chilli!"

"Okay got it!"


A lil play of Gradious, Kienne and Zak:

"C'mon bastard! Punch me if you dare!"

"Aahhhh!! I fucking kill you!"

"Stop it will you?! Both of you! Stop it right now!"

Zak agilely docked down when he saw an incoming fist of Gradious.

And Gradious fist eventually came upon a flesh...

A flesh of Kienne's cheek...

*Let's light a candle for the soul of Gradious. Amen.*