F*ck Off

—Sam's PoV—

My last class was Battle and Robert had it too. After having our lunch at the canteen, Daniel told us that he had something to do so we didn't drag him along with us.

Robert and I headed to the training field. He was really good at the sword so he was the perfect partner for me. Usually, when I train with Daniel, I don't feel any pressure since even if he can keep up with me, my physical strength is already on a much high level than his. I was afraid of using my full strength against him since I am two physique stages higher than him. Other than his lacking strength he's basically a cockroach that doesn't die.

Robert on the other hand has some crazy skill. Although I am slightly faster than him, his expertise in the imperial swordsmanship far exceeds mine. His mastery is to the point which he can easily see through my actions before I even swing the sword. Not only that, his physique is roughly the same as mine yet he can exhibit swordsmanship far better than I can.

Having finally suffered defeat to someone in swordsmanship, my motivation has further increased. If Robert can reach such levels through practice, I'm sure I can too.

When we reached the training field, I noticed that it wasn't as empty as before. They all seemed to be from different grades. One green, that was a senior. He seemed to be sleeping? Why is he standing? There was also one in orange, which was a junior. The rest included three sophomores who were backed up in their own little corner. They seemed pretty shady.

Anyway, Me and Robert went to the middle of the field which was the only area not occupied.

Getting ready, I pointed my blade at him.

"Bring it."

—1 hour later—

Robert was on the ground and I was on my knees. It wasn't because we beat each other up too much. In fact, I could fight for a couple hours straight. Me and Daniel sparred through a whole night once but we got grounded after.

Did someone come picking a fight with us? Nay, instead of us, it was the senior who was seemingly sleeping. A couple minutes ago, a bunch of juniors were brought by the one who was previously here. We thought they were training in a group so we ignored it at first.

When we took a break, we noticed that the bunch were actually harassing the senior by punching and kicking him. The surprising thing was that this senior still had his eyes closed.

I couldn't just stand by when someone was getting bullied, so I jumped in to subdue the juniors. Even though they were two grades ahead of me, I still fought them when I knew the chances of me beating them was infinitesimal. Robert seemed to be furious at them too.

The end result, even with my transcendence skill, I could only bring down four of them while Robert took two. There were just too many people here to gang up on the senior. What f*cking atrocious act did this senior do to get into this situation? Even with six of them down, there are still twelve juniors here that are perfectly fine. I couldn't even use my heroic strike on them since it would kill them.

"Why are you guys all ganging up on him? He's even a grade older than you guys. So why do this?"

A fat blonde guy replied. "Why? Don't you know? He's the trash of the school. He was held back from graduating for 3 years yet he still acts like he's better than us. He can't use magic, and his physique is crap too. It's a wonder how he even got in this sacred academy. Freshman, I'll give you some advice. Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong." With that, he spat on Robert who was on the ground unconscious.

—Dray's PoV—

With this, my magic cultivation should have reached the level of a Beginner Arch-mage. The previous host of this body was just too trashy. At least him killing himself allowed me to transmigrate into his body. Seriously, to not even be at the Beginner Magus stage at 17. The world has truly regressed. Luckily, with the constant nourishment of my high quality mana, this weak body has reached the level of an Expert Knight Captain.

'Hmm, roughly an hour had passed since I've delved into my consciousness so it's about time I headed out.'

Slowly opening my eyes, I could feel the mana in my body moving with my every thought. Yes, this is the feeling of life. After being stuck in that hellhole for eons, I was finally living again.

What first fell upon my eyes were two children on the floor seemingly beaten to a pulp while there were six teenagers sprawled along the ground. I looked up, there were twelve...ehh, wasn't it this group that coerced the previous host to commit suicide? Interesting, so it seems these two children were protecting my body while I was training. They didn't do half bad for their age.

I brought my fist up and circulated the mana to it. I kept around 20% of my total mana in my arm and churned it from my shoulder all the way down to my fists and back. This was a technique I created on my free time. I call it Power Circuit.

"Did your parents never teach you guys to not disturb others? F*ck Off."

With my whole arm in this super-powered state, I threw a punch towards the clique.

And obviously, with ease, I had blown them away and broken a couple of their bones.

Looking at the two children on the ground I didn't exactly know what to do. I looked through some of my memories for a while to find out if I knew them in some way. After all, the previous host had no friends so it was strange for someone to even think of helping him.

"Freshmen huh."

There was nothing about them in Dray's memories so chances were, these two kids were taught to be good children.

I checked their bodies and healed them. As I turned around ready to leave the field, I felt a certain sense of nostalgia from the boy. What was it? My senses were never wrong.

I went back to inspect the blonde haired boy again. On his hand was a symbol. That's right. It's the symbol he had back then. Was he a descendant of my friend?

I appraised his status with Soul Examine.


Name: Sam

Race: Half-Human/Half-Angel

Class: Hero(Mythical)

System: The Ultimate Heroic System(Godly)

Merit Points: 1000

Life Force: 100/100(10 years)

Strength: 58

Agility: 42

Willpower: 32

Spiritual Power: 0/0

Mana: 10/10

Physique: Knight Student(Expert) - Lvl.5

Magic: Mana Sense - Lvl.1

Soul: Mortal - Lvl.0

Spells: NONE

Techniques: Imperial Swordsmanship(Common-Lvl.7), Magic Circulation(Common-Lvl.1)

Active Skills: Heroic Strike(Legendary), Transcendence(Legendary)

Passive Skills: Motivated(Rare), Righteous(Epic)

Sealed Skills: Limit-Breaking(Godly)

Blessing: Destined Hero(Mythical)


So he is indeed a hero like him. He has the same system thingamabob as well.

Even though he was unconscious I decided to say it. "Sam huh, I'll be expecting much from you."

With that, I took my leave.