That Was Fast

"It looks like we are already at the halfway mark already! How fun! With half the participants eliminated, the islands will be drawn to the middle by the vortex and soon be interconnected. And why don't you look at that! Some ice blocks are already clumping up around the edges of the other islands." Said the announcer.

'Vortex? What?' I thought, moving my attention to the tablet.

As the announcer had said, there was now a giant hole sucking everything in from the center of the arena. Greenland—I mean Iceland—no. The ice island had also disappeared, leaving chunks of ice scattered in the water. Now how did I miss that happening...

Hey, don't stare at me like that.

Well, I got bored while watching so I was checking out the new shop...

No, I won't show you it. Now go back to Rachel! I'm not supposed to be in this filler arc!!! Ah shoot, it's not a filler! I swear!

—Rachel's PoV—

'Eh, fifty people already? That was fast. It has only been about fifteen minutes if I'm right.'

While watching the water pull the desert island toward the center, I figured I should just wait since most of the participants were weak. There was nothing I could learn from them. Considering the oldest participants were fifteen at most, it was really disappointing. These guys were already young adults! Why can't they put up a fight?!? Also, what's with the lack of female fighters? All the people I have eliminated so far were men! Are there no other girls like me?

While I was lost in thought, I felt a sensation poke my back.

In response, I blinked to the side just in time before damage could be done.

At the place I was sitting before, was a spear stabbed into the ground diagonally.

Looking at the direction from where it came from, I spotted a figure running away from me.


I instantaneously appeared in front of the guy and punched the light out of his eyes. Ah, how refreshing. If only he had thrown it faster. Well, if he only had a single spear, why did he throw it?

As I was going to start questioning the guy's intellect, a bubble enveloped him and he disappeared shortly after.

'It doesn't matter.' I thought, sighing while taking a seat on the sand shore.

—5 minutes later—

'Gosh, that took a while.'

The other two islands were finally in jumping distance. The area I sat at just happened to be at the intersection of all three islands. As the islands finally met, the vortex also started to settle down and soon, it was back to normal. The ice from the ice island had actually served as a conjunction between the islands by creating mini bridges for people who were not capable of jumping far like me. It was only about 7 metres apart. I don't see why they can't leap that far. People just don't see the importance of leg day I guess... Everyday was leg day for me though.

I couldn't see anyone on the grassland island so I jumped over to the jungle island.

I had already eliminated somewhere around ten people while I was on the desert island. Judging by how fast it took to reach the halfway mark, I figured there should only be about ten people left.

As I started walking into the depths of the familiar jungle, I heard a loud scream from behind.

Turning around, I didn't know what to expect but I'll have to say it was stupid for me to have expected anything in the first place. Someone was falling into the water...

When he was about to touch the water, a bubble formed in mid air, catching him. I'm guessing he saw me jump and he tried to follow up... Amateur.

No wonder this tournament went by so fast. The participants were all mentally incapable which made perfect sense when they kept digging their own graves by confronting me.

I went into the jungle and I heard more screaming. This time, it was from within the jungle, somewhere above. I didn't know how to climb thick trees like this, and I couldn't fly like Daniel so I ran toward the direction from where the screams came from.

Soon, I came to a large clearing within the jungle. If my hearing was correct, this was where the voices were. The screams had long stopped, possibly because their bubbles had been activated.

"So, you're the last one." I heard from above.

"How unexpected, I don't like forcing myself onto women." Said the voice.

This was it. From what this person was saying, I was the last person other than him; meaning, he was different from all the others. He was the one who snatched the first place from me in my dreams. I was curious, who was the one who defeated me? Although I could see visions of the future, most of them were only glimpses. As for what I knew, the future could change, depending on my actions.

"Do you intend to show yourself." I said in a calm tone, devoid of curiosity and intent, just like Daniel. Maybe it was a bad habit of his, but after s̶t̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ observing him for a whole year, I found that he rarely exhibited any other emotions when speaking with strangers and acted cold. Well, when it came to people he knew, like me, he was a bit more open but he had never talked about his background or past in any way when we talked. I have observed though, when talking to Sam, he seemed to be a completely different person. If only he treated me the same—ah, what am I saying. Jealousy is bad! Sam is a guy, there's no way Daniel has those types of feelings. I won't accept it.

"... and because of that, I will become the Champion! Now, what's your name oh beautiful maiden."

In front of me was that suspicious-looking blonde haired guy from before.

"Sorry, were you monologuing just now?" I asked.