
I don't want to pretend anymore,

I just want to be me.

I'm tired of making people

Think that I'm someone

That I'm not.

I want to look into the mirror

And see the person that

I know is inside, the person who is

Chained up; like a prisoner

Of life, because of all

The expectations society has,

Not able to show her true self;

Nor able to brighten up the

Dull and dreary would around her.

Not having the courage to do

What she knows she must.

Having to hide her light

From all who see her,

Because her light is

Not tolerated in

A world of darkness.

She hides her inner self

With a mask of hideous lies,

Not allowing people to see

Her inner beauty.

And although it shines through

Every so often;

The people around her

Are too blind to see it.

Yet there are some people

Who can see this scared

Little girl who tries

To hide from the world

These people let her know

That she is not alone.

She can let her light shine.

That there is something other

Then darkness in the world