Into The Deep Desert (Part 2)

Zhi'er: Its time. Everyone is waiting for you.

Chan Lian: Bring me the coral I brought from Japan for His Majesty, and the 100 year old Ginseng from the Yang Dynasty for Her Grace.

Zhi'er: Yes Madam!

Zhi'er grabs the two big boxes and we make way to the Festive Palace. When I arrive at the entrance of the palace all the guards on each step of the stairs bow down in respect to me.

Chan Lian: You may all rise.

Guards: Yes Madam!

Zhi'er and I walk up the stairs and into the massive festival room where everyone is waiting. His Majesty is sitting on his golden throne and Her Grace is sitting in hers. As soon as the officials see me they rise and bow down.

Officials: Greeting to Imperial Guard Chan Lian!

Chan Lian: You may all rise and rest.

I walk in front of His Majesty's and Her Grace's thrones and bow down in respect.

Chan Lian: Greetings Your Majesty and Your Grace. I apologize for keeping you waiting.

Empress Dowager Feng: Nonsense. Have a seat, and drink some wine.

Chan Lian: Thank you Your Grace! But first, id like to present you with Century Old Ginseng from the Yang Dynasty. I won't be able to check up on you while I'm gone so I want you to eat from this daily to maintain good health. I know you prefer me to give you medical check ups and prescriptions but in my absence I'd like to recommend Imperial Doctress Nu.

Empress Dowager Feng: Ohhh, you're too sweet. You remind me of my mother, may her soul Rest In Peace. She always put my well being over her own.

Emperor Jin Laohu: She reminds me more of her father. So brave and strong and smart.

Chan Lian: Thank you Your Grace, Your Majesty. I'm only happy to serve you.

Emperor Jin Laohu: Please sit.

I walked to my seat to His Majesty's right and Her Grace's left. Zhi'er follows and sits next to me. Every official looked at me with an envious eye.

Prime Minister Han: Imperial Guard Chan Lian let me introduce you to my son Kai Wu.

Chan Lian: Its good to see you again Kai Wu.

Emperor Jin Laohu: You've met Kai Wu before?

Chan Lian: I have, Your Majesty.

Emperor Jin Laohu: I command you to come forward and address me.

Chan Lian: Your Majesty?

Kai Wu rushes over and gets on his knees to greet His Majesty.

Kai Wu: Greetings Your Majesty.

Emperor Jin Laohu: You're a scholar?

Kai Wu: Replying to Your Majesty; I have only passed the Imperial Scholarly Exam, but have not attended the Imperial Scholar Academy.

Emperor Jin Laohu: Why not?

Kai Wu: I tried to take on martial arts rather than embracing my natural intelligence.

I looked over at His Majesty and he seemed unimpressed. I wonder why. He seems to be annoyed at Kai Wu.

Chan Lian: Your Majesty, Kai Wu is indeed very intelligent. He once recited a lost poem written by a brilliant scholar from the Cui Empire.

Emperor Jin Laohu: Is this true?

Kai Wu: Your Majesty, the poem I recited was one that I was written by a scholar from a previous dynasty. I do not wish to offend you with its purpose.

Emperor Jin Laohu: I command you to recite it.

Kai Wu: Your Majesty I shouldnt...

I cut him off before he could refuse.

Chan Lian: Kai Wu, I would like to hear the poem aswell. Im sure you wont refuse... right?

Kai Wu: Very well then... "In a world of war, a heart can only burn with the fire. In my palace I have a forbidden desire. For a beauty so elegant she takes my breath away. For the beauties heart I continously pray. But to my hearts dismay, my love I cannot portray. This heavenly beauty is so close to me, yet so far away. In this life, I own the world, but the beaty wishes to be as free bird. To her, my love is like a cage. So im doomed to yearn for her until my old age. Perhaps in my next life she will love me deeply. As for now, my beloved bird may roam freely."

After Kai Wu finishes reciting the poem no one dares compliment him before His Majesty. But he is completely silent. I look over to him and catch him starign at me deeply with a hurt expression on his face. It seems the poem has touched him. The only reason I has Kai Wu recite it was to provoke His Majesty's loneliness in hopes that he will finally accompany Her Lady Majesty in her bed chambers finally. He seems to be thinking of something, and has a very passionate expression on his face. I decided to break the silence to avoid attracting the attention of the officials. But before I can say anything Her Grace says something first.

Empress Dowager Feng: That was deeply touching. So beautfully written. Ive never heard something so emotionally moving.

Kai Wu: Im glad Your Grace enjoyed it. I wonder what His Majesty thinks...

The Emperor is still staring at me which is starting to alarm some of the officials, so I decide to snap him out of it.

Chan Lian: Your Majesty?

Suddenly His Majesty jumps a little than shakes his head and answers.

Emperor Jin Laohu: That was very well recited. Since Her Grace, enjoyed it than I will grant you a reward. I grant you this Hetian Jade Pendant as a token of gratitude.

Kai Wu: Thank you Your Majesty.

Chan Lian: If its alright with you Your Majesty, I too would like to grant him a reward.

Emperor Jin Laohu: What would you like to rewad him with?

Chan Lian: I have began accepting more desciples recently, and I am lacking scholars. I would like to grant him the pin, and recruit him as my newest disciple. Of coarse only if thats okay with Your Majesty, and his father Prime Minister Han.

Emperor Jin Laohu: This is a very high honor, I must ask why youve taken such an interest in this boy?

His Majesty's tone carries a trace of resentment towards Kai Wu. I wonder why...

Chan Lian: Your Majesty, such a smart young boy reminds me of the brother I never had. I wish to nurture his talent and lend some of my knowledge to him in order to assist him in bringing pride to the Primeministers manner.

When His Majesty hears the word "brother" he smiles and turns to Kai Wu.

Emperor Jin Laohu: Young boy, this is an extreme honor. I will allow this if your father is ok with it. Prime MInister Han?

Prime Minister Han: This is an unbelievable honor. Not just to my son, but to my entire family. I could never refuse such a generous offer from Imperial Guard Chan Lian and Your Majesty. Son, hurry and thank His Majesty, and Imperial Guard Chan Lian for their generosity.

Kai Wu: Thank you Your Majesty! Thank you Imperial Guard Chan Lian.

Emperor Jin Laohu: From now on, I will expect to hear great things about you.

Kai Wu: I wont let you down Your Majesty.

Chan Lian: Since Her Grace enjoyed the poem so much, then would you like to her the story behind it?

Empress Dowager Feng: There's a true story behind it?

Chan Lian: Yes. And it is far more touching than the poem. Would Your Grace like to hear it?

Empress Dowager Feng: I would love to.

Emperor Jin Laohu: I too would like to hear the story.

Chan Lian: Than I will tell you. During the times of the Qingtong Dynasty, there was an Emperor by the name of Ying Jun, who was incredibly loved by his people. He came from a long line of incredible kings and fulfilled his families legacy beautifully. Despite being loved by all, he was incredibly lonely on the inside. And even though he had a beautful Empress, he could not bring himself to grace her. The only ones who could bring a smile to his face were his beloved mother, and his childhood sweet heart Youmei, who was born by his greatest General. Although he loved Youmei dearly, he could not find the right way to express his feelings as Youmei was too oblivous. Youmei wished only to become the first female general and did not pay attention to his affections at all. When he finally confessed his love to her, she rejected his love saying that if she were to become his Concubine she would not be allowed outside the palace and therefore wouldnt be able to fullfill her ambitions. Ying Jun was so heartbroken by her rejection that he refused to leave his palace, or eat at all. When Youmei heard about this, she visited the emperor in his chambers and confessed that she loved him aswell but couldnt be with him before she completed her goal. So she promised to marry the emperor after she managed to lead troops in the war, and leave as the victor who ended the war Hearing this the Emperor immediately promoted her to general and allowed her to go to war. While she was away the emperor deposed his empress and prepared the wedding for his beloved. On the day before Youmei was supposed to return a servant returned to the palace and gave the emperor two white doves with a letter. The letter contained a message from Youmei informing the emperor that she was dying from an untreatable poison. She said that she felt heartbroken that she could not marry the emperor and fullfill her promise to him, so she sent the birds as a sign of her love to the emperor. She asked the emperor not to be sad and negelect his imperial duties because of her, because she will be waiting for him in the after life and is willing to benwith him in the next life. The emperor lived on to end the war in her honor, and bring peace to the entirity of china before dying of old age fifty years later. It is said that they both reincaranated into two white doves who roamed the earth freely in their next life.

Empress Dowager Feng: This tale reminds me of someone. Although it is not as sad as the story you just told me.

Chan Lian: It is not meant to be a sad tale. It is meant to show people the power of love. Although the ending may seemsad, it symbolizes the power of love that cannot die. It provides a standard of love between two star crossed lovers that people yearn for.

Empress Dowager: This story reminds me of a dance your mom used to do whenever she missed your father.

Emperor Jin Laohu: A dance?

Empress Dowager: Yes, a dance. Chan Lian's mother would do a strang dance, so beautiful it would make a man cry. With every move it looks like she's bending the air. The flowers and leaves on the floor would start to spin around her, and flocks of butterflies begin to follow her arms and legs as she danced. Out of nowhere a falcon would always come at the end and land on her shoulder.

Chan Lian: Your Grace, I believe you're refering to the dance of the desert storm.

Empress Dowager: Yes! Thats the one! Youre mom would always cry after performing it. I always wondered why...

Chan Lian: Your Grace, the dance of the desert storm is a dance passed down by generation in my mothers tribe. As you may know, my mother was the descendant of Jian Tu. The women in our tribe only do that dance for the men they love. You see, my mother would always be very woried about my father while he was out in war. So she would perfrom this dance not just because she missed my father, but also to summon his falcon who would bring her a message from father.

Empress Dowager: Thats beautiful. Youre mother was truly the most gracious women ive ever met.

Chan Lian: Thank you Your Grace. She loved you very dearly.

The Empress Dowager has unknowingly reminded me of my parents which slowly broke my heart. memories of my childhood are replaying in my mind. I remeber the times we'd go down by the lake to eat mother's food, and the exotic desserts fther would get us from foriegn nations. Mother would always perform the dance for father, and then we'd gaze at the stars togather. Id usually fall asleep before leaving, so id have to ride with dad on his horse, instead of my own. When we'd get home, my parents would tell me stories of when they mmet in the desert, and how they fell in love. Ive always idolized my parents relationship, because it was true love. They always cared for eachother and never fought. My father never took any concubines, even when people begged him to marry their young daughters for power. He always told my mother and I that we were all he ever needed and wanted. Now im allalone in this world, because they both left me alone. All I can do is go back to the lake and try to relive the best moment of my life alone. Sometimes I think that theyre both waiting for me in the afterlife, and I dream of going to them. But then I remeber th people I live for. I can leave His Majesty behind, he's the person I love most in this world. My highest priority, and closest friend. He will forever be the person I care for most, like a brother.

Emperor Jin Laohu: Right Chan Lian?

Chan Lian: What was that Your Majesty?

Emperor Jin Laohu: I was just telling my mother that if she wished to see dancig, then ill call in some Imperial dancers.

Empress Dowager Feng: Actually, I was wondering... Chan Lian?

Chan Lian: Yes Your Grace?

Empress Dowager Feng: I would like to make a that okay?

Chan Lian: Of coarse Your Grace, anything!

Empress Dowager Feng: Will you perform the dance for His Majesty and I?

Woah! What? I cant say no...but If I accept than people might misinterpret.

Empress Dowager Feng: Its just that I miss your mother's company so much, that Id like to see her dance once more.

Chan Lian: Your Grace, I would but in order to do this dance you need your lover to play flute for you. Whenever my dad noticed his falcon gone, he would know my mom was dancing and begin playing flute.

Empress Dowager Feng: Your Majesty, you were always very good with the flute...why dont you play it for us so Chan Lian can dance?

His Majesty starts to blush like crazy, and begins to stare at me with wide and bright eyes. He's looking at me like my father looked at my mother. I smile at him and he smiles back at me. The officials around us begin to whisper which makes me really nervous.

Emperor Jin Laohu: Mother...I...

Empress Dowager Feng: Oh I see... Ive asked to much? Thats okay, I guess im not good enough to make this request from my son, and the girl I consider my daughter. I must have been a bad mother.

His Majesty and I both become very uncomfortable. Her Grace knew how to make us both feel guilty. I cant say no to the women who raised me since my parents untimely death. When I look at her I see my mother.

Chan Lian: Since Your Grace has made this request I will natrually fullfill your wish. You have always been like a mother to me, despite my lower status. You are a fillial mother, its just that im an unfillial daughter.

Empress Dowager Feng: Nonsense! You are the daughter of our contries greatest hero warrior, and my beloved friend. You are precious to our kingdom.

Officials: Your Grace is wise! Imperial Gaurd Chan Lian is precious.

Emperor Jin Laohu: Then I cannot refuse either. I will play the flute for you.

Chan Lian: Thank you Your Majesty!

I walk up to the platform where the leaves and blossom petels were gathered on the floor. I look up at His Majesty and nod so that he would begin playing. He understands and instantly starts playing. His flute playing is so beautiful and majestic, just right for the dance. I begin the dance and instanly all the leaves and petels beging to move around with me. My arms and legs meet in a series of acrobatic moves. I lift my legs above my head and petels follow it up. I bend my back down where my head and the heels of my feet meet. I begin to spin, which allows a flock of butterflies to fly in and start to spin around me. When I stop spinning the form the skape of wind and move majestically along my side. Everybody in the room looked on tearfully. They all became facisnated with the dance, which only elevated when I jumped high in the air and spun with the wind creating a smale tornado of leaves and petels belowe me. I rmeber how my mom looked like a fairy when she did this move because of the butterfly wings. Finally, I land on the floor and all petels settle on the ground once again. I snap my fingers and the butterflies all fly away except one, that I gently put on the Empress Dowager's finger. She smiles at me and mouthed the words "Thank you." I look over at His Majesty, who was looking back at me. The look of amazement exsisted in his eyes. He really did look like a little boy in love with red cheeks, and sparkling eyes.

Chan Lian: Your Majesty. You Grace I hope you enjoyed the dance of our sacred tribe.

Empress Dowager Feng: *Tearing up* The beauty, of that dance has truly blinded me. Your mother would be so proud to see you dance for the one you love.

Hold on! What? I danced because she asked. Is that what she meant? I hope it is because the officials might misunderstand. I dont want to stir up any trouble so I smile and bow to Her Grace and His Majesty.

Empress Dowager Feng: Your Majesty? You look lost. Has the dance stolen the words from your mouth and placed tears in your eyes?

Emperor Jin Laohu: Indeed. I uhh.. Id like to thank my most loyal ally, Chan Lian for gifting us with that beautiful dance. I should reward you.

Chan Lian: You Majesty there is no need for your reward. Im happy that you liked it.

Emperor Jin Laohu: For the gift of dance I shall award Imperial Gaurd Chan Lian with a new name to be reffered to by the officials. From this day on, everyone in the palace must refer to Imperial Guard Chan Lian as "Your Lordship" or "Your Worship" instead of by name.

These were the titles of my mother and father. He knew that I missed them so he did this to make me feel close to them.

Empress Dowager Feng: *Smiling heavily* Yes! This is very good. The officials and servants are all below her, they shouldnt get to call her by name.

Officials: We shall obey your order Your Majesty! Congrats Your Worship!

Chan Lian: Thank you.

Empress Dowager Feng: Since we are giving our gifts then ill gift you this.

Her Grace hands me a box decorated with jade and gold. I look up at her and she nods for me to open it. Once I open it I see a beautiful hairpin made of pheonix blood jade. Phoenix blood jade is so rare, that only her Grac could possibly posses it.

Chan Lian: Your Grace, this is far too precious I can not accept it.

Empress Dowager Feng: I already said that you were very precious to me. Now my mother gave this to me so that Ill give it to my daughter. You are like my daughter, so if you refuse to take it, then youll be insulting me.

I go to accept it when His Majesty took it out of my hands and placed in my hair.

Chan Lian: Thank you Your Majesty.

Emperor Jin Laohu: Its as if it were made for you.