The Battle In Town(2) 

Fort Eide's Transcendent One has gradually begun to penetrate into Essap Town, with fierce fighting resounding everywhere.

In an alley, several pet dogs have completely changed.

They were all covered with a thick layer of plasma. Their cheeks bulged and they tore at the "food" in front of them. Their teeth became sharper. When they pulled hard, some internal organs were swallowed into their mouths.

"poof, poof, poof!"

The sound of chewing was extremely clear in the narrow alley.

Even so, the "food" that fell to the ground still did not give up resistance. The flesh on the zombie's face had been torn off, revealing the teeth inside. A large amount of rotten blood flowed on the ground. It wanted to struggle, but under the siege of the zombie dog, it had no chance to stand up.