
Chapter 58 Blade

At the same time.

In a courtyard outside Fort Eide, an organization called Blade was used as its base camp.

At the moment, Blade's boss and several key figures are all in a meeting to discuss the next development plan in the outer city.

"Boss, Boss, big discovery, big discovery!"

There was a noise in the courtyard, and then an excited voice sounded.


The blade's Boss-Tam frowned discontentedly.

He put down the cup in his hand and then saw a middle-aged man trotting into the courtyard with full head and sweat. He held out his hand with excitement and credit, and shouted in his mouth:

"Look, what is this?"

Tam and several Transcendent One craned their necks and looked intently.

I saw this middle-aged man's hand, a red fruit the size of a child's fist lying in the palm of his hand, with gold thread-like lines on the skin, which at first glance did not look like an ordinary spirit fruit.

"What kind of fruit is this?"