Machinary Transcendent One

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

The strange man was holding two toy gun-like iron molds in his hand and then shooting at the surrounding stone predators.

If Lin Ze looks here at this time, he will find that what is ejected from the muzzle is not bullets, but countless needle-like objects like nails!

Dense needle-shaped nails covered the sky with rushing stone predators.

The monster's sniff came one after another, and 8 or 9 first-order stone armor predators fell directly to the ground.

The needle-shaped nails are just the length to penetrate the carapace of stone predators and directly penetrate their weak internal organs.

After two rounds of shooting, it also brought him a short to almost negligible breathing space.

It was in less than a second that he made another amazing move.

He raised two strange iron guns to his chest, and then his hands gave off a faint light.

After that, the two iron molds slowly deformed into two brand-new guns!!