General Adolf's staff team mixed this specific metal with other metals in different orders of magnitude and cast three grades of currency respectively:
Class-C Coin, Class-B Coin, Class-A Coin.
Among them, the Class-C Coin has the highest purity. One Class-C Coin can be exchanged for 1000 Class-B coins and one Class-B coin can be exchanged for 1000 Class-A Coin, maintaining an exchange rate of 1: 1000.
However, the lowest Class-A Coin has the same real value as a second-order spirit fruit or a small piece of the carapace of a second-order subordinate monster.
In addition, this paper document also includes a new currency distribution and purchase plan for Fort Eide's military and major inner-city forces.
Because in addition to retaining all Class-C Coins, the military will open the exchange of Class-B coins and Class-A Coins to the ten major forces in the inner city.