A Perfect Equipment

The female shopping guide only stopped from Lin Ze to the door of the third floor.

Because she did not have the right to enter the third floor, Lin Ze could only enter by herself.

Lin Ze nodded and stepped into the third floor of Forging Workshop No.2 Branch alone.

To his surprise, there was no service personnel on the whole third floor and even no weapons...?

Only a long counter and a small room shrouded in black cloth came into view.

Lin Ze walked to the front of the counter. Behind the counter was a gray-haired old man. He was wiping a scale and did not seem to notice Lin Ze.

Lin Ze tapped on the counter gently and said, "Hello, I'd like to have a look at the equipment."

The old man looked indifferent: "On the brochure on the right-hand side, the newly released third-order equipment is all there. There is a price on it. You can only see the goods if you pay first."

Lin Zele is happy. Is there anyone doing business like this?