The Battle On Bridge

The climate in eschaton is capricious.

At noon, the sun was still shining brightly, and after the rest, the wind was gusty again.

"Our goal is to reach Mine 10 before dark. Speed up." Solon's clear voice laughed.

The goal of the line of people is to reach Mine No.10 before dark this time.

Because Mine No.10 is a wilderness stronghold frequently passed by Transcendent One of Fort Eide, where the terrain is complex, there are many mountain buildings over from peaceful times, and the safety of night rest is relatively high.

There is a 200-meter bridge between the land where Mine 10 is located and the wilderness where Lin Ze and they are now located.

At this time, fierce fighting is taking place on this bridge.

More than a dozen bodies lay staggering on the bridge, with fish-like monsters fighting the rest of the human race.

When Lin Ze and his party arrived, they found a group of people in Atrix, only 3 or 4 of whom had fled back.