The Begining Of Career 

In the hot and dry June, a city Shengtong Cyber bar

The fan on the wall stirs the heat flow in the air feebly, and several young college students with bare arms sit in front of the computer and concentrate on operating the mouse and keyboard. The irritability brought by the weather seems to have no effect on them immersed in the game world.

Wu Gang, a professional player in the harmonious world, finally announced his graduation from version 7.1 on the eve of the launch of version 7.3.

Yes, he is such a man who never joins in the wasteland reclamation group but mingles with various rolling groups to get equipment.

Easy life easy game is his motto, and so is in life. He just wants to make the quality of life reach his definition of "comfort" as much as possible.

A small room equipped with 2 bedrooms, windows and toilet, a computer with good configuration, a soft ergonomic sofa and several neighbors who don't make any noises every day and all of this is his dream life.

But now, he is still working part-time, and he is extremely confused about how to realize this dream.

Taking advantage of the vacancy of the delegation, he hurriedly ate some pancake fruits bought downstairs earlier. This weather is really raw and can be steamed, and cooked can't be cooled.

Suddenly there was a violent commotion downstairs. When the computer desk was moving, the sound of metal rubbing against the ground, the sound of broken glass, the shouting of men, and the screams of women were all mixed together. It was extremely noisy.

"Has the city hall brigade come to enforce the law or are there two groups fighting?" He can only think of these two kinds of scenes with such sound effects for the time being.

"Do you want to go down and see?" He looked around at several customers who put all attention on the computer. They didn't care about what was happening. They still contribute to the games.

"Also, it is better not to provoke those troubles." He never likes to look at such scenes, so he returned to the game intently.

"Murder!" someone in downstairs try the best to scream, finally breaking the calm on the second floor.

People took off their headphones and asked each other what was going on downstairs, but they were all puzzled. So some are going to go downstairs to check, while others are worried about delaying the war and they continue to operate, at the same time, they also pay attention to the surrounding discussion.

Feeling a little uneasy, Wu Gang simply withdrew from the team and headed upstairs.

The room he rented was on the sixth floor, with a monthly rent of 400, accounting for a full fifth of his monthly income.

It was dark during the day and all the sound can be heard at night. this is the house that he found after looking for more than half of the city.

When he returned to his room, he locked the door behind him. He also locked the anti-theft chain that he had never used before. The sound of killing people really made him care.

"You have entered the parallel universe of doomsday mode, and the experimental body XR558 is being tested for expertise." At this time a mechanical female voice appears from someplace.

"who? Who is talking? " Although the sound insulation in his house is very poor, the words just now did not sound like coming from the next room.

If you have to say the sound source ... seems to be coming from the middle of his room?

"the expertise test is completed, the harmonious world game system has been copied and the ability is injected ..." The female voice simply continued to read her strange words.

"Capacity injection is complete."

"What the hell is this?" As the female voice slowly dropped, Wu Gang was surprised to find himself in front of a familiar game interface.

In the upper left corner, there is his photo frame, inside is his surprised expression, beside which the life value and magic value are actually marked.



The rest of the equipment column, skill column, etc. were not pulled down like the game mode.

"System Flow?" Wu Gang's mind came up with a particular noun in online novels, but what does this doomsday pattern mean?

"It can't be a doomsday on the outside?" once again his mind appears an image of zombies eating people.

"Parallel universe? So where am I in the original universe? " haven't I chosen to directly back to the room, but went downstairs to check the situation? Thinking about the plot of his body being ripped to the ground by zombies, he couldn't help swallowing.

In addition to the harmonious world, he also plays host games. He is a frequent visitor to AB omelet. Second-dimensional, American TV shows, and online articles are also not missed.

So the system flow and zombie virus, the two settings for him is so easy and just like the junior high school mathematics and physics formula he already knew.

Directly open the equipment column, he bought a discount T-shirt of a certain brand for 40 yuan, a large underpants for 20 yuan, and boxer briefs for 10 yuan and 2 pieces.

The descriptions of the three items are cheap and inferior goods, which seem worthless.

"Shit, they are brands at least. How do you describe it in this way? Wait, did I buy a fake?" Wu Gang scolds the bastard boss who dares to cheat him.

Look at the value of the equipment, as expected, they are zero attribute equipment.

Now that he has a quantitative equipment system, he simply takes advantage of this to pick up the only empty wine bottle in the room that can be called "weapon" and immediately an icon of the wine bottle shows on the weapon column.

View item description

Empty wine bottles: glass products, seem to have some self-defense effects.

Attack Power: Plus 1

"All right, add one attack." Wu Gang is extremely disappointed with the result. This is an artifact in the hands of drunks. Put down the wine bottle and he continues to check the character bar.

Name: Wu Gang

Level: Level 1

Occupation: ALLINONE

"Division Ingley?" There are several English words in the column of occupation. Although he knows every word when he looks it one by one, it is a bit too difficult for him to translate it.

However, looking around, he suddenly felt that he had seen this line of English somewhere.

"I remember it! Isn't this the 4in1, 4in1 on the little overlord game card? Allinone? All professions? Amazing! " every profession in the game has specific skills and suits. Soldiers envy thieves for being invisible, thieves envy mages for being able to flash, mages envy druids for being transformers, and small virtues envy hunters for being able to catch babies ...

But now all professions are integrated? How invincible should he be?

Wait, too many skills are not easy to react to? His current game characters are full of artifacts, ornament skills, and shortcut keys corresponding to feeling skills are all equipped with more than half a keyboard, and many skills can't be remembered in a hurry. This is only a profession.

"Alas, no matter what, if you dare to give full professional skills, I dare to use them." Think of warlock flame rain mage blizzard druid stars falling together, the picture is beautiful.

Going down is the attribute column. There are really many items in this column. Besides the five main attributes of strength, agility, intelligence, endurance, and spirit, the others like crit, mastery, evasion, rapidity, blood-sucking, parry, parry, puncture, armor-piercing and hitting also included, they dazzle people.

If these functions are placed in the game, he can recite the corresponding bonus effect with his eyes closed, but in reality, it is somewhat interesting.

Power seems to have returned to its original literal meaning, referring to the power of muscle. However, his strength is only 2: 00. However, considering that he is 1.76 meters tall and weighs just over 110, he is totally an Otaku, he doesn't do much exercise at ordinary times, so this result should be reasonable.

Agility should affect the body's reaction speed and movement speed. As a sports idiot, he is filled with an embarrassing number in the column of Agility: 1.

Intelligence is hard to imagine. In the game, only the upper limit of magic and spell damage will be added. However, in reality, the meaning of human intelligence is extremely complex and includes many aspects.

Take two items that are well known. In terms of IQ, he managed to enter a third-rate second-rate university. In terms of EQ, his experience as a single dog has lasted for 26 years.

However, what is puzzling is that his intelligence value actually reads the Arabic numeral 5, which is 2 points higher than the other 2 attributes combined.

"Do I have any outstanding advantages that have not been developed?" After all, there is not much difference in people's talent, but the various factors that influence finally determine what kind of person they will become, and there may be a man of God who loses his intelligence at 10 o'clock.

Endurance is only a poor point in the column. Endurance is added to life value in the game. If there is more meat character in the game, it will naturally resist beating. Maybe WWE's fierce men can reach 10.

The last main attribute spirit, he turned out to be 0. This attribute will add magic recovery speed in the game. Think about it, it is quite reasonable. Any person who persistently moves forward with one share of energy will have endless energy.

But in reality, he has no spirit? No, he at least carried out the principle that adoration is justice.

Does this system only recognize mainstream core values?

The rest of the secondary attributes, he roughly browses again, only saw them roughly.

Open the skill column, there is nothing in it, even there is no grey skill tree, and he doesn't know how to learn skills. Other items such as taskbar and achievement bar are also empty after clicking on them.

Then he found an area map option behind these menus. "There should be a map so cool function? !" After opening, a matchbox-sized rental floor plan shows the enlarged area and the entire sixth floor.

Enlarge again, the second floor, the first floor, all floor maps of the whole Huaguang Building are all in it.

Then he boldly looked at the map of the city, but most areas were still shrouded in a thick fog of war.

"Yes, it seems that the map settings can only be displayed after the exploration of the area." This setting is really unfriendly to his dead residence. He has hardly been to any other place except the Internet cafe in the company dormitory so that he has been to this city for four years and more than half of the maps are wrapped like Silent Hill.

"So, since I have my own golden finger of system flow, what am I really strong in?" After watching all the interfaces, he asked himself a question. With such low attributes and little equipment, it is just like the trumpet of a newly created character. Facing a dangerous world full of magic objects, he is still full of all kinds of weakness and confusion.

Speaking of the second game account, I suddenly thought of a thing that the second game account has to used to do: culling streets and running corpses.

Can he jump the street and come back to life?

But soon he dismissed the idea of trying it out, "well. It is better not to die. In case the whole game is moved here, there is no reproduction and resurrection system, and then it will become the biggest joke in history. "

If you want to sum up with yo-c, that is: "shock!" The mentally retarded man brought his own IMBA system to mix up the last days. After just one minute, he was scolded because of this?! "