Unexpected Departing 

As the road was not unimpeded, in order to bypass the cars, they became slow. Just ran half of the distance, those zombies attracted by menstruation bombs began to target back to them again, gallop over with bare teeth and claws.

Ten zombies came to the south, this time they came in groups, and there were five in the north.

"Eat another slice! Never be surrounded by them!" Wu Gang shouted and swallowed the tablet again to accelerate the activation.

At this critical moment, the three finally arrived at the store. Wu Gang was the last one to enter. He grabbed the handle of the security door with his backhand and buckled the door with a bang.

However, the change suddenly occurred before all the people feel relief. Zhang Ya only felt a foul smell of fishy wind coming behind her. she instinctively turned her head and was thrown to the ground by a zombie who had been pulled out of his intestines and stomachs.

"Sister!" Zhang Liang saw his elder sister was tackled by zombies, frantically cut off zombie's head, however, when his knife down, his sister has been bite by the zombies and a row of deep and visible bone teeth marks was on her shoulder.

Wu Gang raised his hand and hit the zombie fly away from Zhang Ya. He was not sad or happy, and his face was expressionless.

" sister! Are you all right?!" Zhang Liang has completely panicked, looking at Zhang Ya's deep red shoulders, his tears could not help but flow down.

"Liangzi, after I am bitten, will I become a zombie in a while?" Zhang Ya was somewhat desperate. She never thought about the proposition of life and death.

"No! You won't! Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Liang took out the gauze he had just searched for at Lao Li's head's house and frantically tried to block her bleeding shoulder.

"Angkor... you save my sister." Zhang Liang turned his head, only to find Wu Gang searching in his backpack without changing his face. He suddenly remembered the triangular thorn that Wu Gang had shown him before in the house of Lao Li and which was the one that poked the zombie's forehead.

"What do you want to do? Wu Gang?" He gave a crazy roar and then covered his sister with his arms. He understood that with Wu Gang's strength, it was a minute for him to kill both of them. He suddenly felt extremely regretful. Why did he go with such a cold-blooded person?

"If you want to kill my sister, kill me first!" He did not know where the courage came from but shouted out such a sentence.

"What are you talking about?!" Wu Gang frowned and had no time to care about this crazy man. He continued to look for his small bottle of purifying liquid in his bag.

"Being so young, you still are imaginative." He cast a contemptuous glance at Zhang Liang. "Who said I was going to kill your sister? please be fine and don't be like rabies."

"Then what are you looking for?" Zhang Liang also found himself being too sensitive. his sister was bitten which makes him anxious.

"Looking for medicine! Ah! I found it." Wu Gang took out a bottle of shaking blue liquid, opened the bottle cap, and smelled it. It seemed that there was no smell.

He took the potion to Zhang Ya and held her to sit up. "Drink this." There is no doubt about his tone.

"What is this?" Zhang Liang expressed a little doubt about the blue liquid in the ink bottle. He had never seen any medicine that was blue.

"If you delay for a while, your sister will really become a zombie." Wu Gang said angrily, to be honest, it is human nature for Zhang Liang to shout at him just now, but it still annoys him. People like him who love peace hate others yelling at him.

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Liang stopped talking.

"Do you believe me?" Wu Gang asked Zhang Ya, who looked into his eyes and nodded. "Then drink this bottle of liquid medicine."

There was not much liquid in the bottle, and Zhang Ya drank it all in one bite. After the liquid was drunk, Wu Gang felt that the weight of the glass bottle in his hand was slowly decreasing. He knew that the bottle was about to disappear and threw it into his backpack so as not to accidentally challenge the common sense of others.

"Elder sister, how are you?" Seeing Zhang Ya drink the potion, Zhang Liang asked anxiously.

"It's not fairy water, we must give some time to take effect!" Wu Gang said so on his mouth, but he was muttering in his heart. The last time the mineral water of Kang Shuai Fu brand was drunk by Zeng Meijia, then immediately the bite mark on her arm scabbed off. But it was almost more than a minute. Why is Zhang Ya's shoulder still bleeding?

Just as he was struggling with whether this small purification potion was really effective, the information of the completion of the task appeared in his field of vision.

Experience has also increased, and skill books with question marks have also been given.

The system will not deceive people. It seems that Zhang Ya will definitely be no problem.

"You take your sister to the bed and let her have a rest first." He took out a bottle of iodine from the cigarette bag and was ready to flush Zhang Yachong's wound.

However, at the moment, he is still thinking about his bottle of Kangshuaifu mineral water. After a try just now, he found that the small purification potion could not restore physical strength or heal traumatic trauma except for removing poison, and was disposable. In contrast, Kang Shuai Fu's call of magic water is really worthing.

However, it is useless for him to regret it. He only hopes Zeng Meijia can make good use of it.

Five minutes later, the two big men bandaged Zhang Ya's shoulder wound roughly, not because of his poor skills. They really didn't know how to bandage the shoulder position. If the arms were all good, this oblique part could not be tied properly.

"Judging from the time when the bodies of those who ate at noon changed, they would change completely in half an hour at most. Let's watch at the fat man's house during this period of time." Wu Gang said that he took out some anti-inflammatory drugs and gave them to Zhang Ya. He called Zhang Liang to drag the four bodies on the ground to the backyard. If conditions permit, no one wants to share a room with the corpses.

As for where the body of the disappeared aunt went, Zhang Liang didn't care at all. Perhaps Wu Gang didn't kill it. The zombie recovered and got up again to walk elsewhere.

However, when he carried all the bodies back from the backyard, his eyes at Wu Gang became more and more evasive, because he knew that the blood holes in the heads of the three men appeared on his sister's head would be an easy thing for Wu Gang. He suddenly had the idea of keeping a distance from Wu Gang, so that he could not say thank you to Wu Gang.

Wu Gang is indifferent, anyway, they will soon go their own ways, even if the system gives him a mission to escort the sister and brother into the city for a while, he will not accept it.

"This is happened to arrive at the store. I suggest you take some food."

"Yes." Zhang Liang promised and went to search the shelves.

"This atmosphere is really embarrassing. Well, I'm in a hurry, so I'll drive away first. Take care of yourself." Wu Gang said and he took out the two keys that he just found from the store owner and handed them to Zhang Liang, adding. "By the way, come out and help me open the door."

Passing through the back room, Zhang Ya probably fell asleep because she was too frightened. He said goodbye in his heart.

Zhang Liang climbed up the wall and looked outside. After a runaway just now, most zombies have been concentrated in the back street of the east and the main street, and the back street in the west there is on a zombie at the moment.

He opened the two doors with a straight face and watched Wu Gang start the engine and slowly drive out of the yard.

"Take care." He said two words to Wu Gang, while Wu Gang stepped on the accelerator heavily and soon turned, then disappeared in his sight.