Food Making Skill 

Fortunately, the standby power supply inside the electronic lock can still be used, and the green light turned when the card lock is brushed. Li Jia felt that the injured girl needed someone to take care of her. She let Shi Lan sleep with her daughter and she slept alone with the girl.

Wu Gang shook his head and did not agree. The woman's mood was extremely unstable. At that time, she gave him a knife without saying anything in the office. Then she cut down the rope tied to the zombie. Although she is in a coma at this moment, what if she gets up crazy at night?

"The four of us take turns to guard. I've just slept well in the car. I'm the first one." Wu Gang looked at his watch and it was 10: 50. "Two hours later, the shift will be changed. sister Li, you will be on the last shift. In the middle of the shift, the two men decide their guarding time."

after finishing his word, he then went into several rooms one by one. After confirming safety, several people went back to their rooms as just assigned.

Wu Gang put the girl on the bed and pulled open the curtains. The pale moonlight instantly shone through the window in the room, giving out a little cold.

He squatted on the ground and looked at the girl's injured calf again. A piece of meat almost the size of a fist was bitten away from the calf. At the moment, the wound was neither scabbed nor bleeding. Blood vessels and muscles were exposed to the air in distinct layers, just like the missing piece of flesh and blood still grew there, but became transparent.

"It's amazing." At this point, he suddenly had a bold idea. he doesn't know if he can grow like this after chopping the dick.

"Alas, forget it. In case it grows up to the same size, it will not be a waste of time." Anyway, his dick has been idle for more than 20 years. The root cause is not a matter of length at all.

Only when he thought of this did he realize that this was the first time he had entered the hotel with a woman except for his family.

He showed a very connotative smile and began to look at the girl on the bed. She was in her early 20s and her dress revealed a style of the internet celebrity, air bangs, smoky yellow hair, wearing a small plaid shirt, and tight salopettes.

the body was thin. With this anchor look, Wu Gang lost interest in observing her. At least her father also opened such a supermarket. How can her aesthetic level stop at this level?

after saying some bad stuff, he went into the bathroom to take a bath. After a long day of tossing and turning, his sweat condensed into big salt particles.

As a result, he found himself still wearing pink women's pajamas when he took off his pants, but then again, both of them were as the equipment sent by the system, why can't this women's pajamas be hidden like weapons? After much deliberation, he decided to give it to others.

After all, he has teammates around him now. In case he is misunderstood as a transvestite, it would be really embarrassing. Fortunately, this equipment is not bound and can still be used by others.

As for the candidate, although Li Jia is the oldest woman in the team, she always gives people the feeling of a weak woman, perhaps suffering from domestic violence for a long time, and she was infected with a submissive temperament, but her daughter Xie Anqi looks stronger.

However, if he just preaches to let his daughter wear the pink pajamas he sent, he will undoubtedly be suspected of having some strange hobbies. How does he say, "As long as you wear the pajamas, you can hit the zombie 5 meters away with a fist?"

It doesn't seem to work either.

Then he thought of Wang Dahao. Obviously, only he can give full play to the role of this equipment in the team. But what if he doesn't wear it anyway? maybe he is sexist? It is estimated that it will be difficult for him to wear women's trousers let alone it is pink.

Well, let's talk about it tomorrow. He was about to take a bottle of laundry detergent from the sable's backpack when he suddenly remembered that a skill book seemed to have dropped just now?

With a little interest, he opened the skill book, the random icon was turning, and finally stopped on an icon with hamburgers and cola.

"Is this?!!" Wu Gang used to play a mage in World of Warcraft. This icon reminds him of Faye's second-largest professional skill besides opening the portal, food-making skills!

Looking at the skill description with a slight trembling.

food making skill: consumes 5 plus 40% mana to make a delicious magic meal. The food lasts for 6 hours. Note: The types are completely random, so don't be unable to eat the medium-cooked sirloin steak. As for green herring Cannes, maybe you can save it for the party as a punishment.

"really? Isn't this great? The types are completely random? does this means hamburgers and cokes would not appear in ten thousand years?" Wu Gang's eyes grunted around several times, then he thought if he finds a survivor's colony in the future, could he open a restaurant?

After learning these skills, he thought that he would show his skill tomorrow morning. Even if he could not make French breakfast, it would be good to have some steamed buns and porridge.

Resisting the throbbing brought by the new skills, he soaked his pajamas in water and rubbed it a few times. He looked at it as clean and hung it on the clothes rack.

Only then did he take a bath himself. He didn't know when there was no electricity in the city. Anyway, the water heater was already full of cold water. He didn't like cold water baths very much. Even in summer, he might be too thin so he was afraid of cold.

He put on a new underpants and walked out of the bathroom, lying comfortably on the bed. Just after closing his eyes, he suddenly thought of another thing. He got up and took out a paratrooper rope from his bag, tied the woman's hand to her chest.

"This will stop her." He didn't care at all about the fact that she was wounded and should be given preferential treatment. He didn't have Nightingale's spirit, what's more, he was stabbed by her.

"Come on, sleep." As soon as Wu Gang closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

In a daze, he heard someone knocking at the door. It should be Wang Dahao who came to change shifts. He got up and glanced at the girl on the bed next to him. It was still the same posture. The whole person did not move. He was a little nervous at that time. He took a sniff of this girl. Fortunately, there was no problem and she was alive.

Carefully opened the door and found that there was no aunt BUG zombie. It seems that there will be no zombie aunt when there is someone outside. So he let Wang Dahao go back to sleep, and let Da Biao and Li Jia not come in the next shift.

No one here knows more about Kang Shuai Fu's adverse effects than he does, so naturally, no one can sleep more comfortably than him. When he slept until dawn, he stretched himself and turned to look at the bed beside him. The woman was still in that posture.

This made Wu Gang feel a little strange. This time he tried it on the carotid artery. Her pulse was strong and powerful. What was the situation that she did not move all night?

Sleeping Beauty's Internet celebrity of Anchorwoman Version?

Looking at her calf, it has become smooth as new, better than the skin beside it. He plucked the girl's face and said, "Wake up." He was suddenly a little worried, have calf meat growing up, but she has become a vegetative state.

Fortunately, after he cried a few times, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

Or it's not good for him to wake people up like this.

Because she saw a naked man wearing only big underpants as soon as she opened her eyes, and her hands were still tied.

Before she screamed, Wu Gang rushed out of the room with a spear in his hand, explaining that it was a very troublesome thing. He would rather put these energies on the BUG aunt zombie outside the door.