Bread Butter 

"By the way, there is one more thing." Wu Gang said quietly to Wang Dahao.

"I have a magical dress there. I'll give it to you when the time comes. It will help kill zombies."

"Clothes? What does it have to do with killing zombies?" Wang Dahao was confused, but Wu Gang did not give much explanation and got up and told them to pack up and get ready to leave.

The three men walked through the empty corridor. The bug aunt had been killed. They returned to Wu Gang's room. They saw Li Jia comforting the woman. The paratrooper rope tied to her hand was removed and thrown aside, while Xie Anqi and Shi Lan were sitting on the bed beside her, with embarrassed expressions. It seems that they are as bad at dealing with this kind of problem as Wu Gang.

Wu Gang put on his clothes and trousers washed yesterday as if no one were watching. Although it was summer, the clothes didn't totally dry just in a night. It doesn't matter, it will dry in a few minutes under the sun shines.

But when he put on his coat, he felt a layer of hard things. Only then did he remember that he was wearing a scale underneath.

Then he took the dripping pink pajamas out of the bathroom and shoved it into Wang Dahao's hand. The other side's expression became very subtle.

"Angkor, you." He felt embarrassed. "Are you kidding Angkor?"

"Put it on, or put it under your jeans." Wu Gang did not make any trouble and continued to say solemnly. "If you don't feel ashamed, you can wear it outside."

Wang Dahao gave a wry smile and could know what Wu Gang was doing.

"I need help on the way. You put it on first. If you don't believe it, you will go down and find a zombie to try later. If it doesn't work, you can take it off and return it to me." Wu Gang said.

Wang Dahao looked at a room full of women staring at him and the women's pajamas in his hand with pondering eyes. He was once extremely embarrassed and turned back to the room to change his pants.

"So what's going on here? Has the woman's mood stabilized?" Wu Gang asked Li Jia.

Before Li Jia opened his mouth, the woman in bed chimed in reluctantly, "I have a name, not this woman."

When Wu Gang heard that his eyebrows were wrinkled, he said that if this woman stabilized but still in bad temper. It would be better to throw her in the hotel. He didn't have time to take a lady with him. Asked patiently. "Then what is your name?"

"My name is Yan Ruoxi." The woman's tone sounded very proud. In fact, she has observed Wu Gang's belly a few times. She can't see any knife wounds on it. Didn't she stab him last night? No, she still has blood on her hands.

And she will question far more than this one, yesterday was she gnawed off a big piece of calf muscle by her father who turned into a zombie, but why does her calf seem to be good? Is it also an illusion? What about the blood on the calf?

And last night, as she tied up with her hands and shared a room with this man all night?

Thought of here, all the things in front of do not matter. She was ashamed and angry, so many women, it happened that he came to live with her, and he must be out of dirty motives. But she did not feel anything strange about her body, especially there.

It's impossible to share a room with such a lovely girl as her and do nothing all night? Is he the kind of obscene man with special hobbies?

She checked her socks again, leaving nothing dirty on them.

The psychological activities here are extremely rich, while Wu Gang over there is not happy with the woman's attitude and look. He dropped another 20 points to the woman's score in his heart, and this time it blows lower than 60 points.

He can endure such things as being proud and charming. After all, it is cold outside and hot inside. If it is proud, forget it.

He let out a loud voice without emotion and told Li Jia that they were ready to start moving after breakfast.

"Then I'll boil water." Li Jia thought he meant instant noodles or something for breakfast, but Wu Gang motioned not to use it.

"Ahem." He cleared his throat and solemnly announced, "Next, it is to witness miracles..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Dahao came in, wearing a pair of pink women's pajamas.

"Didn't you get it inside?" Wu Gang looked at his appearance and felt really funny, while Xie Anqi had already laughed out loud without hesitation.

"it is wet, I can't wear inside. Anyway, there is no one outside and there is no shame. And I said Angkor, I believe what you said unconditionally. Don't make fun of your brother. It's not funny." Wang Dahao fiddled with his trouser legs a few times. It was so wet that he couldn't wear socks. He simply took them off and threw them aside.

"How can I? I'm not that vulgar." Wu Gang turned his head and continued the lines that had just been interrupted. "Next is the moment to witness miracles."

He clicked on the food-making skill and immediately lost 40% of 25 MP points.

At the same time, the rising fog came out of his hand out of thin air. Ten seconds later, he felt a warm, soft, and hard thing in his hand.

The fog dispersed and a whole strip of uncut bread butter appeared in front of everyone.

[Skill Proficiency Plus 1]

Wu Gang was dumbfounded when he saw that he had high hopes for food making but only made a loaf of bread.

"Hey, God, Angkor, can you still do magic?" This is the first time that Wang Dahao has watched close-up magic. Apart from marveling, he just wants to try whether this bread is really edible.

" Angkor, where did you get that steam? It's amazing." Xie Anqi also enjoyed the fun of close-up magic.

"Well, let's think of it as a magic trick." Wu Gang looked at this skill and even involved proficiency. What French foie gras, what golden caviar, and what Songhu beef all vanished in an instant. Let's eat bread for a few months first.

View item information.

Magic Bread: It's delicious magic bread, even you don't get tired of it even eating it at every meal! Reply to 5 health points every 3 seconds and 50 health points at most. If the amount of food eaten reaches 1/5 of the whole loaf of bread, the full effect of eating with mental plus 1 will be obtained. The duration is 3 hours.

After eating, add attributes. Is this the food and drink setting in World of Warcraft?

Ignore the funny introduction of items, look at the effect of items alone, and return 5 points of blood in 3 seconds? Looks good.

He has already understood the setting of HP in this system, and it is actually very simple.

Injury, blood loss. Return blood, heal.

Since this bread can return blood, it means that when you eat a few bites when you are injured, the wound will naturally heal. Is it a bit wasteful to eat it for breakfast?

He simply glanced at the people in the room with insight and unexpectedly found that Li Jia had 42 points of blood, and Wang Dahao had 35 points of blood which were slightly higher. The rest of the people were below 20 points of blood. Shi Lan was the weakest, with only 14 points of blood.

That is to say, no matter who it is given to, the blood can be returned to full at one time.

As for the full effect of eating, one-fifth of the bread is needed to obtain it. Who should not eat it?

The new woman must be pass directly, and the rest must be ruled out. He thought for a second.

Come on, let me give up eating this. after all, he has the highest attribute.

After dividing the bread, the people finished eating, except for being delicious, it is still delicious. This makes Wu Gang a little doubtful whether the description of the article is not the style of exaggerated writing.

Only this Yan Ruoxi looked a little unhappy and sat in bed sulking, not talking about whether she could share her request.

being angry, she secretly observed and found that other people had no doubt about Wu Gang's division method. In addition to the previous scenes, she could basically confirm that the man named Wu Gang was the head of the team.