Stone Key

"You have not recovered from your serious injuries. Go to treatment first."

The mysterious man gave a command, leaning on the stone chair with his hand, his head slightly lowered and his eyes closed as if he were asleep.

Under the soft light, the word on the white mask is extremely striking and unsophisticated. Anyone who sees it will be greatly impacted by spiritually.

"Yes, my lord!"

Tom and Jack stepped back, turned around and walked towards Yuan Fang.

"The character 'Huang' in this mask is a bit strange."

Yuan Fang withdrew his eyes and shook his head hard, trying to throw out the uncomfortable feeling brought by the character.

At this moment Tom and Jack came near, their faces pale and their bodies tottering.

"Come on, let's continue treatment..." Yuan Fang waved his hand and said smiling.

"Let's go!"

Tom and Jack supported each other and sat on the wall beside Yuan Fang, with their backs against the wall and their eyes closed.