Heavy Sniper Rifle

"Huh! "

With the wind and snow dancing all over the sky, Li Chen's body flickered as if shadowed, appearing in front of Jiang Yunyin on the right.

The shadow assassin of Agility fighting ----Li Chen.

The talented assassin of both space and shadow also showed sharp fangs at this moment.

Liu Dong was expressionless and slowly stepped back a few steps. He stood behind Jiang Yunyin. He was the only medical aid of the team. In terms of medical level, he was far from being comparable to Yuan Fang in the small stardust period.

Milky Way Period treats Milky Way Period without attenuation. In Yuan Fang's case, Stardust's medical treatment was a small horse, which could not bring some of the top Milky Way Period players in the team.

That treatment is like a little drop in the bucket. At the beginning of the Fangs are drowning men, so they clutch at a straw.

With a sound, Jiang Yunyin's body suddenly burst into flames, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rose, dispelling the snow.