An unplanned adventure

At The year 2085 after 5 years of a harsh war between the United Earth Government (the UEG for short) and the Zang authority, peace talks are going to be held on the planet Molc by the Molcan government as hosts and with the Morn kingdom and Larang republic as watchers.

The assigned head of the earth delegation is Neal Walk, a high-ranking diplomat and the father of 16th years old Eva Walk.

"this delegation has a real chance for making a lasting peace, your mission is to take care of our interests but also to prevent the continuation of the war, if it will continue for 5 more years we will fall apart", The president of the United Earth Government explains to Neal with heavy voice.

"I understand sir, I promise you, I will do my best, nothing will stop me from doing the best for Earth", Neal answers, knowing the significance of this assignment.

Meanwhile Neal's daughter Eva sits in her class, she plans the trip she and her father are going to take to the moon and mars, in the nearing summer vacation, as she writes her plans in her tablet, a girl named Shona takes the tablet and looks at Eva's plans, "oh I see that you are planning another trip that is going to be canceled", Shona says to Eva in a mocking voice, "no, this time it will be different this time it will happen", Eva replies and takes back her tablet, "we live and see", Shona says and leaves Eva alone, on her way back a group of girls stumbles upon Eva, "you think your dad will take you on your trip, he even couldn't save your mother", says a girl named Gilly, Eva holds herself, she promised Neal that she don't get into another fight, so she just goes away, holding herself than she looks back on the group, "we will live and see", she says and walks away on the route to her home.

On the way home Eva is angry, the thought of them mocking her father raged her, but the mockery about her mother death almost made her to want attack the group, she still remembers that horrible day 5 years ago when she heard in the news, about an assassination in the restaurant her father always held his work meetings, she felt that something bad happened and not long after her feeling was confirmed for being right not as her arrived to their home alone with a look she will never forget and he says that her mother will never return home, as tears start to flow, she try to calm herself, "the past is past, hurting those girls will not bring back my mother, now I need to look at the future, a future where me and dad go one our trip and enjoy every moment of it", she thinks as she arrives to her house.

While Eva is eating launch, she hears that Neal returned home so She goes to the living room, to discuss with him about her plans for the trip, when she walks, she sees that he has a worried look on his face and before she can talk, Neal approaches her, "sweety I am really sorry but the trip is canceled, I got a very important mission from the president, I am going to lead a delegation to the planet Molc, if it wasn't that important, I wouldn't agree for this mission", he says knowing it will break Eva's heart, Eva starts to cry as he finishes to speak, "but you promised, you always on your business trips and delegations, but never with me, you come and go, and it seems that since mom passed away you don't even try to put the effort to bond with me", she says while sobbing with tears, but Before Neal could respond Eva runs to her room and locks herself inside of it.

As Eva lie in her bed sobbing, "why he always finding a reason to cancel our plan", she thinks and then and idea appears in her mind, "if dad won't join me in a trip, I will join him on his own trips, I will prove to him that I still worth something even if he doesn't even try to spend time with me", She decide and so, Eva begins to set a plan to join her father for an unplanned adventure.

In the following days, Eva starts to talk with Neal and it seems like she forgave him and then one day after being distracted by Eva, Neal forgets his computer on the kitchen desk and leaves to work without it, Eva uses that opportunity, she logs into the computer and gives herself an access to the military terminal in the NYC spaceport that Neal going to launch from, after that she deletes the computer log history and goes to think about her next step of her plan.

As The day had come, Eva acts usually "goodbye sweety, after I return, I promise to try to make new plans with you", Neal says to Eva before she leaves to school and they hug and she leaves their house, "you will make new plans Sonner then you think, dad", Eva thinks as she goes to the bus station.

Afterwards Neal gets prepared for his own trip and after an hour he departs towards the spaceport.

meanwhile Eva arrives to the spaceport entrance, she enters the governmental section of the port, in the entrance she got checked and the guards see that she has the right permits and age as she changed her id age to be 21, after she got clearance and enters the military terminal, she goes to her father assigned ship, she sneaks into the ship and goes to the supply deck and finds herself a spot to hide until they get to space.

Neal gets to the spaceport himself and enters the ship, he sits in his seat, after waiting an hour they get clearance to launch and the ship takes off from the spaceport and in Hight of 5 kilometers it turns on the booster engine and the ship arrives to earth orbit.

In earth orbit the ship is attached to a bigger ship with FTL drive and after the attachment completed the FTL drive turns on and they are inside warp space.

While in warp space one of the guards is going through the supply deck and finds Eva in her hiding spot.

"sir we have a problem", says the security guards holding Eva to Neal, "I found her in the storage floor, she says that she is your daughter", he explains, Neal looks at Eva, "how did you manage to get here", he says angrily, "I used your computer to give myself all the permissions to go with you, because I told myself, if you couldn't join to my trip, I will join yours", Eva answers.

Neal thinks for a moment, "what I am going to do with you, we can't turn back, ok young lady you will stay with me, but when we return you will face the consequences,", he says and then he turns to one of his bodyguards, "now Mike, your job from now until we get back to earth is to put an eye on my daughter Eva here", he commands mike, "yes sir", Mike replies with unhappy voice.

When they arrive to Molc, after setting themselves at their assigned quarters the delegation is going to the peace talks, while Eva and Mike stay in the quarters, Eva distracts Mike and manages to get out of her room without him noticing and goes to a walk in the capital city of the Molc, after half an hour suspecting Mike finds Eva room empty and goes outside to search for her.

While Eva is looking around, she stumbles upon Wike the crown prince of the Morn kingdom, Wike looks at Eva, "what a human is doing outside the quarters?", Wike asks Eva, "same for a Morenian?", Eva answers.

"I am the crown prince of Morn, I do what I want", Wike says "I am the daughter of the human delegation head, and I do what I want!", Eva says and they both start to laugh, "you are pretty chill for a human, let me give you a tour around here", Wike suggests, "it will be great, thank you", Eva relies, meanwhile Mike goes around the city in search for Eva.

Eva and Wike enter to a bar and start discussing about themselves, "so tell me about earth, is it real that you chose your own leaders?", Wike asks Eva, "yes but it is complicated the Earth is divided to groups of people based on their location, and each group choses it representative and then the chosen representatives choose the leader of the whole planet", Eva replies, "interesting, we don't choose, we burn into our rules in society, like me as I am the first born of the king, so one day I will king myself", Wike tells about his home, "it is kind of sad, that you don't have a choice", Eva replies, "I can't think of any other reality", Wike replies, "now it is my turn, do you really possess magical powers?", Eva asks, "see for yourself", Wike replies and lifts up a cup into the air, "wow, so this is real", she replies , on earth most scientists made theories how the Morenian are able to do such things, the main theory was that the Morenian brain works by generating magnetic fields, that is the most she remembers about the lessons about this subject in school, "can you do anything else", she asks, "like this", Wike says and then she notices that his lips doesn't move, "wow this is so cool", she tells to Wike, "I know but least keep it down, other Races doesn't get excited as you when they see our magical abilities", Wike tells Eva.

As Eva and Wike continue to talk and share details about their cultures, Mike enters into bar, seeing that Eva is sitting with Wike he takes a breath of relief as she looks unharmed, he goes to their table, "sorry your majesty for her annoying you and Eva we need to go now", mike says, "oh she didn't annoy me", Wike replies, "in any case we need to go", Mike answers. "goodbye Wike it was nice meeting you", Eva says while waving goodbye to Wike who waves back.

On their way back Mike tells Eva "you know you made me worried, this city is full of hostile aliens that will be happy to hurt you, thank the heavens the from all the aliens you choose to interact with the prince of Morn", Mike says and then He looks at Eva who just ignores him, "next time I will tell your dad", he adds, "like my dad will even care, the stupid mission is the only thing he is caring about", she replies while rolling her eyes.

At the same time the peace talks are going well, as both sides are almost finishing to formulate an agreement, after a long day both sides get tired, so they decide to wrap up things and go back to their quarters to discuss between themselves about the agreement terms.

As Eva and mike go back to the earth quarters, they see the Zang delegation going together towards a nearby restaurant and they hear the Zang talk about some kind of a plan, Eva feels that something is off, "mike, I think we need to hear what they are planning, they don't sound like they planning a peace treaty, it sounds like they planning an invasion", Eva tells to Mike quietly, Mike looks at the Zang "I think you have some point, we will follow them but keep it low", he commands Eva.

The Zang delegation enters the restaurant and couple of moments after Mike and Eva Enter too, they sit in corner not seen by the delegation and listen to their conversation ,"to the plan, to defeat the puny humans" the delegation head announces and all delegation members cheer, Eva and Mike are in shock, and continue to listen, "those humans would believe anything, the fools won't see the attack coming, as we sign the agreement and they and their ally's lower the defenses we will attack with the biggest fleet this galaxy has ever seen!, they will have two choices, surrender or die!", the delegation head says making Eva and Mike to look at each other horrified.

"I think it's time to us to head back", Mike tells to Eva, she nodes in agreement, but as they almost at the door they get caught, "looks like we have two spies here, take them to the holding cell", the Zang leader commands and they take both of them captive, on the other side of the restaurant unnoticed Wike who saw and heard Everything decides to take action.

Wike follows the Zang delegation, to their quarters where he sees they take Eva and Mike inside, and he sets a rescue plan, so he enters to the Zang quarters and request to talk with the Zang delegation head.

"your majesty, what brings you here", asks general Zane, the head of the delegation, "I am here to talk about how the talks are progressing?", Wike asks, "oh we are nearing an agreement, we have couple of small subject and I think we will sign the agreement as soon as a week from now" general Zane replies, "great, and what you think are you satisfied with the terms general, as I know you were one of the biggest anti-human in the Zang army", Wike asks the general quietly, "to tell you truth I am pretty surprised myself, but the terms are pretty good to us also I think I grow a little fond towards the humans", the general answers with a little smile and then gets a call "excuse me your majesty but this is urgent, can you wait here for a couple of moments, I will be back soon", and the general leaves the room, "they never change, do they?", Wike thinks .

Wike takes the opportunity to find where Eva and Mike are held captive in the quarters and he finds in the general computer that they are in a cell right below the office building of the Zang quarters.

He notices a file open in background, named 'plan E', he opens it and it is terrifies him, it is a plan of invasion to earth after the peace treaty signing taking off-guard earth and capturing it by surprise, Wike closes the computer goes back to his seat and then a Zang officer enters "sorry your majesty the general is in a busy meeting and it is going to take a while, he asked me to escort you back to Morn quarters, also he mentioned he will meet with you later this evening, he will acknowledge you when", the officer says with a sorry tune and escorts Wike out of the general's office.

While on their way out Wike uses on of his magic abilities to take over the officer Mind and then he orders the officer to take him to the prisoners.

Eva and Mike are surprised seeing Wike escorted by a Zang officer, "Wike, what you are doing here?", Eva asks, " be quiet, I am controlling this officer, give me a moment", Wike responds and uses his abilities to distract the Zang that are surrounding them from noticing that Wike there having a conversation with them, "now we can talk, so listen, I found the Earth Invasion plans of the Zang and it doesn't look good, the problem Is that I couldn't download the data so I need you to do something to help me", Wike tells them, "what exactly?", Mike asks, "make a mess, but not now, later I will signal you using my abilities", Wike explains and Eva and Mike node in agreement, "great, don't worry I will be here in an hour", Wike responds as he commands the Zang officer to lead him outside the Zang quarters.

Later that day Wike goes again to the Zang quarters after getting a message from Zane that now he has time to meet with him, as he arrives to the Zang quarters he signals Eva and Mike, so As he heads to his meeting with general Zane, Eva slaps Mike, "you see what mess we got because of your shenanigans!", she yells at him, "it was you who dragged me to that restaurant, I told you it wasn't a good idea", mike yells back at her, making the Zang guard to enter their cell and separates them as an order arrives to take them for interrogation.

At the interrogation room Mike and Eva tell the same thing, "earth is planning to invade Zang as soon as the agreement will be signed up", they say, baffling the Zang officers who interrogate them.

Meanwhile Wike meets again with general Zane, who takes him to an interrogation room where Eva and Mike are being held inside, "those humans told us about a ridiculous plan to invade Zang", the general tells to Wike and start to laugh with the rest of the Zang officers in the room.

While the Zang are distracted Wike takes over their minds, making them to release Eva and Mike and also, he makes the general to give him a copy of the invasion plan and finally he erases their memories about all of this occurrence and they leave before anyone notice.

As they head to the earth quarters Eva notices that they are being followed, she looks at Wike, "we are being followed", she says to him, "I know, it seems like we will need to split", Wike replies, "at my count, 3,2,1 ", Mike says and the trio splits to different direction, making the followers to split, as Eva walks she sees her follower, "a Zang", she thinks and decides to try to blend in the crowd, but without success as time after time he manages to follow her, up until she notices an ally and decides to enter it, but it is a dead end, "I don't know what you did in our quarters but soon I will find out", the Zang says, but before he can come closer to Eva, he falls unconscious on the floor, "this is for 2082 you asshole", Mike says as stands above the Zang, "let's go, we raised a lot of suspicion, so we need to keep it low", he says to Eva while leading her towards the earth quarters, "wait the copy?", Eva asks, "it is in a safe place", Mike replies pointing at his inside pocket in his jacket, as they walk they are joined by Wike, "it seems that we are still being traced, I will need your help, we will approach each of the followers separately and I will erase their minds", Wike tells them, "sounds like a plan", Eva says, "here the first one", Mike says, " it is on me", Eva says and then walks towards the Zang, "so, I heard that soon we will have peace", she says to the surprised Zang while Wike approaches him from behind up until he can wipe his mind, "one done, two to go", Wike says as they continue an route to the earth quarters, "now it's my time", Mike says as he splits from Eva and Wike, after couple of moments they as they feel that someone is approaching them, they hear Mike and then they look behind and see that he punched the Zang who approached them unconscious, after erasing the mind of the unconscious Zang, Wike looks at Eva and Mike, "one to go", he says and they continue to walk towards the earth quarters, this time as the last Zang approaches them he is taken over by Wike, "I think that it all of them", Wike says after inspecting the mind of the Zang,

great work", Eva says to Wike and Mike as they approach the earth quarters.

Ad They Arrive safely to the earth quarters, Neal who is in the entrance looks at Eva and Mike relieved that they are fine, "where you were, we notified the Molcan police, we taught you were kidnaped or worse", he says with a worried voice and then he notices Wike, "your majesty thank you for bringing them back", he says but before he could continue Eva stops him, "dad I need you to listen, we found out that the Zang are planning a surprise attack on earth in the day of the treaty signing, it all here In this file", she says while Mike takes out the copy and gives it to Neal, after inspecting the data Neal is shocked, "we were so close to falling to this trap", he thinks after inspecting it.

Afterwards Neal calls using secure channels to the larang and Molcan delegation to organize secret meeting with them, in the meeting he shows them the Zang invasion plan, making the delegation head to furry about the Zang scheme, so decide on a plan to take on the Zang, "so up until the date, we go as nothing happened", Neal says to the delegation heads who agree with him.

They continue the talks as planned and decide on a date to sign the finished treaty a week from the last meeting, Neal shakes hands with general Zane knowing that Zane is going to be the one who will be surprised.

As A week passes and the treaty is ready to be signed both delegations with their host and watches, are handling a press conference announcing the treaty conditions and a moment after the signing of the treaty, the Molcan police arrest all of the Zang delegation repetitive and meanwhile the Zang forces that arrived to the sol system are overwhelmed by a coalition of Molc, Larang, Morn and Earth fleets.

Before setting apart Eva talks to Wike "thank you for everything, I hope we will meet again", she says to Wike, "I am proud to say I have a Morenian as friend", Mike adds, "I was honored to become your friend; you both are welcome to come to my planet any time you want", Wike replies and They hug before each delegation depart to its own spacecraft.

While entering the ship Neal looks at Eva "I want you to know I am very proud, you know you were doing something risky but you still did it, you are very brave girl, that reminds me of your mother", he says and then he hugs Eva.

They return to earth where Eva and Mike get the appreciation of the president, he says his thank you for their actions, but says that for their safety their brave adventure needs to be classified for their own safety.

Eva returns to high-school, studying like nothing happened and she wonders if all the events on Molc where real, the girls at her school stopped to tease her, as they heard that her father was successful in his diplomatic mission and then in the end of the school day, Neal comes to peak Eva and they talk about the plan for their trip to the moon and mars.

While Eva thinking that she experienced enough and nothing else could surprise her, a man pauses a video showcasing Eva and Neal planning their trip, he gets a message on his holo-watch the man looks at the message and smiles, "victor, prepare 'The Alpha' for inter-dimensional travel, I will take care of my remaining affairs and we are leaving", he commands his AI while closing the message and looks back at the video with a smile, feeling that this trip going to be very different from the one that were before.

And Not long after, a rip in space opens in the other reaches of the sol system and a large ship goes through it, setting course towards Earth.