The attack

A month had passed since Eva and john started dating, in this period of time, Neal came to visit as he wanted to meet with john in person, Eva decides to held the first meeting in a restaurant, not far from campus, john and Eva walk towards the restaurant, "I hope your father will be fond of me", john says, "I am pretty sure he will, you have nothing to worry about", Eva replies, as they enter the restaurant.

As Neal arrives, he hugs Eva and shakes john's hand, "pleasure to meet you mister Walk", john says, "thank you, nice meeting you too, john", Neal replies and sits, "so, Eva told me a lot about you, it seems like you are quite the achiever, very impressive for a foreign exchange student", Neal says to john, "thank you, I try to do my best", john responds, "so, tell me how did you met Eva?", Neal asks, "quite the funny story, she taught I following her so she yelled at me in the middle of the street", john responds with a smile, making Eva to blush, "sounds like my daughter", Neal says while laughing, "he really looked like he followed me", Eva says, "its ok, It is all history", john says to calm down Eva, as the evening continues they share stories about Eva and john's childhood, by the end of the Evening before setting apart, Neal takes john aside, "you seem like a good guy, but still you have the responsibility to keep my daughter safe and happy, you don't want to face me if you don't", Neal says, "I promise you, I won't let Eva get harmed in any way, I will keep her happy", john replies and shakes Neal hands firmly and then Neal goes to say his goodbye to Eva.

In the following weekend After finishing a hard assignment john and Eva decide to go out for a date, they are walking through the town on their way towards the movie theater to watch a movie.

Eva looks at john, thinking that nothing can go wrong, "you know I am very happy that you are here, I am pretty excited that my dad liked you when he was here, I hope that you will stay to study here", she says to john with a smile, "I will do my best, in one of my meeting with the exchange program Representatives , they said that the university official are pretty impressed from my achievements, they said that If I continue like that, they will make me an interesting offer", john responds, But before Eva could tell john how happy she is to hear those news, an hologram appears on johns watch, surprising Eva as she never seen or heard about such a technology.

Eva looks surprised at johns watch but as she tries to talks john disrupts her, "we need to go immediately! I will explain everything later", he says and then flashes of lights start to appear in the sky above them, and then several military spaceships pass above them ascending towards the sky to engage in battle with alien spaceships, then they hear the sirens, earth is under attack.

John grabs Eva's hand and starts to run while not letting go of her and then just before the main street road john stops and signals something through his watch and then john's space-car appears in the sky descending towards them and lands near them, Eva still shock and freezes, "I explain everything later ,but now get into the car!", john says and pushes surprised Eva into the car, locks her door and then enters himself, "victor set course to 'The Alpha', release the escort fleet and after we dock, engage with 'The Alpha' itself, use all non-planet size and below weaponry", he commands the AI, while putting commands into the car's computer, as john pushes a button, The space-car takes-off and starts to ascend towards space, Eva still is in shock while john using his cars computer to estimate the invading forces size and strategy.

As they get the atmosphere, they see a horrifying view, ships engaging each other all around them.

An alert appears on the car's screen ,a Zang ship is trying to lock on them, and then the alarm stops, and Eva feels a shockwave she looks behind her and sees a Zang escort ship who known to be one of the most intimidating crafts the Zang had to their disposal, turn into pieces like a bomb exploded inside the ship, as she looks at the surrounding she is terrified all around them Zang and UEG spacecrafts are engaging with each other and then a new kind of ships appear, baring symbols that are unrecognizable to Eva, those ships engage with the Zang ships and then two ships approach the space car escorting them, Eva notices that a huge object appears from nowhere above them, a spaceship and on her side is written 'The Alpha'.

As they approaching the ship Eva sees that the ship rereleases more spacecraft as the kind that escorts them, flying toward the Zang armada, "Those crafts aren't attacking the Zang fleet, they are annihilating them", amazed Eva thinks as she looks at the battle, the crafts are surprising the Zang and wreaking havoc among them, as the Zang ships don't have the ability to handle the speed and the strength of those crafts, a small craft approaches a command ship who fires at it with all it got, but the craft deflects all the shots and fires a single missile who obliterates the command ship, other crafts are chasing down Zang attack ship and destroying them with single laser shot, the Zang command is in chaos, not knowing how to respond to the new fleet engaging them And then at the moment the space-car enters 'The Alpha', the big ship joins the battle and start to attack the rest Zang fleet, decimating from far the heavy and fortified Zang command ships like there were made from paper.

The space car lands inside the flight deck of 'The Alpha', john opens the door relived that they got safe to the ship, meanwhile shocked Eva opens her door trying to understand what just happened and where they are.

"I think I owe you an explanation", john tells to shocked Eva, while looking outside seeing the ruins of the Zang fleet, "and I think I will need to rethink my plans about this dimension, but at least I kept Eva safe and with no harm", john thinks and looks back towards Eva.